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Messages - tonkaboy11

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeal. / i'm bannes sory
« on: December 18, 2009, 12:34:16 pm »
In-GameName: JordanNL
Admin That Banned You: i don't know
Reason Given By Admin:`advertise
Are You Sorry: i don't do it anymore
Will you read and accept /rules?: yea i do
Extra Info: i talked to my friend and he ask: where you get that from? i say a wepside and i'm banned sory

Ban Appeal. / I'm banned and i do't do it anymore i like this server!!!
« on: December 18, 2009, 12:24:26 pm »
Sory for what i did

i don't do it anymore

i don't know that the rule is: don't say a wepside in main chat

but now i know it and i don't do it anymore

pls unban me :)

becease i like this server!!!!!!!!! its the best ever!!!!!!

Pages: [1]