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Messages - Aoxi-Oxixi

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeal. /
« on: October 09, 2008, 10:25:49 am »
Quote from: Stumpy
use hacks ALL THE TIME
no stumpy, we only used this one time and because we did an error, we didnt use this more time, because we only used this on the nomral game (now the hax is deleted) but i dont mind your opinion, i only mind the opinion of admino because only he can unban we (if he wants)
Quote from: White_Wolf
a hack clan lol
thats not really, we only did an error, no more, you can see the videos of the clan in : clangods[/url] , we did this videos before than get the hax, you dont go to understand the words but you can see the stunts of the video, we dont need the hax to do stunts , ok?
but i dont mind your opinion, i only mind the opinion of admino because only he can unban we (if he wants)

Ban Appeal. /
« on: October 08, 2008, 07:38:10 am »
all clan are sorry, we love do stunts, and we did a big error, we are sorry but all people need a second opportunity, i learned the lesson: HACKS=BAD REPUTATION+BAN  for this reason i deleted this for life
and 1 thing more, we NEVER used HAX for do STUNTS

Ban Appeal. / im banned
« on: October 04, 2008, 11:01:12 am »
really, i never use hacks in samp, i love do stunts and i dont need hacks   i only use this in the normal game for do stupuids jumps REALLY
PLEAS UNBANME, I love this server, its my favourite server

Ban Appeal. / im banned
« on: October 04, 2008, 08:27:52 am »
In-GameName: Raziel[GODS_L]
Age: 16
Admin That Banned You: Stumpy
Reason Given By Admin: Hack
Are You Sorry: yes
Will you read and accept /rules?: yes, i report the hackers
Extra Info: i have got hax, but i only use this for the normal game, i never use this in samp because i dont like bother at the other people.
i always disable this, but this time i dont remember that.
Please, unban me

Ban Appeal. / omg! im banned!!!
« on: September 26, 2008, 08:14:39 am »
In-GameName: Raziel[GODS_L]
Age: 16
Admin That Banned You: I don't know
Reason Given By Admin: i don't know too
Are You Sorry: Yes, but i dont know the reason
Will you read and accept /rules?: omg! yes!
Extra Info: i closed the game normal, but now, when i start the game i cant play! the server always tell me "you'r banned from this server"
i love this server!
please, unbanme

Pages: [1]