Hello Gangester,
We have much to discuss. All of those offenses are extremely critical. May I ask you why you did any of these? As the help bot suggests, you should go outside and get fresh air instead of raging. You flooded the shoutbox. You raged on the server. We have textual proof of you making a Racist remark. Disrespecting a(n) Administrator(s) and Threatening them. Just being 'stressed' or 'having a bad day' Aren't good enough answers. You wouldn't cooperate when an Administrator asked you a simple yes or no question, even when they asked you in the nicest way possible.
If you have a stress problem, Scream into a pillow. Go outside. Punch a tree. Hug a tree. Slap yourself. Slap the ground. Eat a sandwich. Just learn to control you're rage issue. This also wasn't the first time I've experienced your rage issue. On World of Stunting's vent server. Even on xfire.
Think about what you do, before you do it.