World of Stunting
Off-Topic => Videos And Screenshots => Topic started by: macress345 on April 27, 2010, 04:33:01 pm
Unlimited Detail Technology (
I guess thats kinda cool.
I guess thats kinda cool.
Kinda cool? This stuff would allow games to be incredibly detailed and you won't have to go out and spend $500 on a graphics card to play it. These visuals are rendered through software so only the CPU and RAM are doing most of the work.
Imagine playing a game where every little bump on an object is actually a bump and not a fancy looking texture. Now imagine playing that same game on a $400 PC that doesn't even have a dedicated graphics card.
Wow, I love it. We need this right now as companies like Nvidia are trying so hard to make a powerful card, that they make a graphics card that gets really hot and takes lots of power. (gtx 480)
Nice post, Stumpy.
This technology will definitely overtake the graphics industry in gaming and other applications as well. Let's hope that the big companies see the advantage and not get bogged down in competition and leave us users frustrated with their whimsical, petty fighting.
Yeah I saw the site about this a few weeks ago, I thought it was pretty damn amazing. Even though the site was a big turn-off (It looked like something whipped up in 5 minutes back in 1993..), I still found it amazing, hopefully companies start looking into this technology, and of course hopefully it works out, as it's still a work in progress, they have said there's still a lot of problems to get through before it could possibly be implemented in retail games.
I was reading an article about it on Tom's Hardware and apparently Nvidia does not like the idea. They said, "Those graphics don't even look realistic".
I was reading an article about it on Tom's Hardware and apparently Nvidia does not like the idea. They said, "Those graphics don't even look realistic".
Lol, that's what you would expect Nvidia to say, because this software could run them out of business.
I was reading an article about it on Tom's Hardware and apparently Nvidia does not like the idea. They said, "Those graphics don't even look realistic".
Lol, that's what you would expect Nvidia to say, because this software could run them out of business.
Well Nvidia is kinda right, you won't be able to get the visual quality of a game like Crysis with this software. What Nvidia forgot to mention though, is that you could get Crysis like visuals if you actually put some work into it. Of course the companies that produce graphics processors are going to turn something like this down, if something like this were to become the standard in computer graphics then they wouldn't be able to sell their products to anyone.
We are already seeing GPU's being implemented into CPU's, and it's already known that a CPU could easily render a highly detailed game if the CPU has enough power. Anyone who thinks that graphics cards are the way forward couldn't be any more wrong, having all the processing done one just one device is the way forward.
Seeing shit like this makes me wish i had more experience with computers. But i'll just stick to playing console games. Ps3, Xbox 360 is enough for me; just put in a game and you can play. None of this bullshit about updating graphics cards.
I watched it i loved it i wanted to learn more i looked at the other vids about it and im just amazed. Im just amazed at what people can do these days. I can't wait for a game to be released with this Technology.
2 Large polygon companies, 1 called ATI and 1 called Nvidia, they don't like each other very much - facepalm LOLOLOLOOLOLOLOLOL, Bust my sides laughing, great find Stampz
Nice video Stumpy