World of Stunting
Off-Topic => Videos And Screenshots => Topic started by: Rikimaru on June 03, 2010, 12:08:58 am
Well hai there! I've been making sigs like a mad-man recently..and I would love to have your opinions about them, they aren't for anyone here on WoS, however.
anyway here they are... I can't release the others, because they have a website on them. >_<
In my opinion, I would prefer the first one because the red, white and black do go well altogether, and it suits you too. [THUP]
Surley your supost to be making me a signature? :O
Surley your supost to be making me a signature? :O
Of course I am sniffs, ;) Can't guarantee There'll be a cupcake on it though. Also thank's for the opinions, but I really would like like more :/
Surley your supost to be making me a signature? :O
Of course I am sniffs, ;) Can't guarantee There'll be a cupcake on it though. Also thank's for the opinions, but I really would like like more :/
The text is 'The Sniffs Lovers', and yummy. if possible with cupcake
:D like my signature xD
nice one. I prefer first one. It suits so nice. White + red, and the other 2 are more random if you ask me :P. Its still nice, but I don't think its my style :<
Surley your supost to be making me a signature? :O
Of course I am sniffs, ;) Can't guarantee There'll be a cupcake on it though. Also thank's for the opinions, but I really would like like more :/
The text is 'The Sniffs Lovers', and yummy. if possible with cupcake
:D like my signature xD
nice one. I prefer first one. It suits so nice. White + red, and the other 2 are more random if you ask me :P. Its still nice, but I don't think its my style :<
But the one Fizzy made for you is OMGGG UBAR PRO. Alright I'll make you one, get on xfire: rikimaru23
Surley your supost to be making me a signature? :O
Of course I am sniffs, ;) Can't guarantee There'll be a cupcake on it though. Also thank's for the opinions, but I really would like like more :/
The text is 'The Sniffs Lovers', and yummy. if possible with cupcake
:D like my signature xD
nice one. I prefer first one. It suits so nice. White + red, and the other 2 are more random if you ask me :P. Its still nice, but I don't think its my style :<
Why did you steal my signature? >.>
Surley your supost to be making me a signature? :O
Of course I am sniffs, ;) Can't guarantee There'll be a cupcake on it though. Also thank's for the opinions, but I really would like like more :/
The text is 'The Sniffs Lovers', and yummy. if possible with cupcake
:D like my signature xD
nice one. I prefer first one. It suits so nice. White + red, and the other 2 are more random if you ask me :P. Its still nice, but I don't think its my style :<
Why did you steal my signature? >.>
mehehehe you said your signature owns more then mine :(. so i took your signature, so it can't be more ownage :<
obtw rikimaru, invited. My xfire = frankfort if it didn't succeed =D
Off topic - Sniffs you should know by now robinz is your new stalker.
On topic - i kind of like them but idk i use more effects and stuff so this seems different from my work (which i haven't done in awhile) but it is new from other forms of work so that is unique
Off topic - Sniffs you should know by now robinz is your new stalker.
On topic - i kind of like them but idk i use more effects and stuff so this seems different from my work (which i haven't done in awhile) but it is new from other forms of work so that is unique
Your supost to be making me a sig aswell >.>
I like the first one ;)
You wont make me a signature in a year would you <.</
depends on who your talking to nubs
me or riki?
im free since sniffs isnt talking to me now
Really nice sig's Riki. Could you by any chance make me one?
I think the first is the best ;]