World of Stunting

Off-Topic => Videos And Screenshots => Topic started by: Rikimaru on June 03, 2010, 12:08:58 am

Title: Signature opinions.
Post by: Rikimaru on June 03, 2010, 12:08:58 am
Well hai there!  I've been making sigs like a mad-man recently..and I would love to have your opinions about them, they aren't for anyone here on WoS, however.
anyway here they are... I can't release the others, because they have a website on them. >_<
Title: Re: Signature opinions.
Post by: Mustapha on June 03, 2010, 02:12:43 am
In my opinion, I would prefer the first one because the red, white and black do go well altogether, and it suits you too. [THUP]
Title: Re: Signature opinions.
Post by: Sniffilicious on June 03, 2010, 03:49:47 am
Surley your supost to be making me a signature? :O
Title: Re: Signature opinions.
Post by: Rikimaru on June 03, 2010, 05:29:16 am
Surley your supost to be making me a signature? :O
Of course I am sniffs, ;) Can't guarantee There'll be a cupcake on it though.  Also thank's for the opinions, but I really would like like more :/
Title: Re: Signature opinions.
Post by: - Robin. on June 03, 2010, 05:55:18 am
Surley your supost to be making me a signature? :O
Of course I am sniffs, ;) Can't guarantee There'll be a cupcake on it though.  Also thank's for the opinions, but I really would like like more :/

The text is 'The Sniffs Lovers', and yummy. if possible with cupcake

:D like my signature xD


nice one. I prefer first one. It suits so nice. White + red, and the other 2 are more random if you ask me :P. Its still nice, but I don't think its my style :<
Title: Re: Signature opinions.
Post by: Rikimaru on June 03, 2010, 06:08:22 am
Surley your supost to be making me a signature? :O
Of course I am sniffs, ;) Can't guarantee There'll be a cupcake on it though.  Also thank's for the opinions, but I really would like like more :/

The text is 'The Sniffs Lovers', and yummy. if possible with cupcake

:D like my signature xD


nice one. I prefer first one. It suits so nice. White + red, and the other 2 are more random if you ask me :P. Its still nice, but I don't think its my style :<
But the one Fizzy made for you is OMGGG UBAR PRO.  Alright I'll make you one, get on xfire: rikimaru23
Title: Re: Signature opinions.
Post by: Sniffilicious on June 03, 2010, 06:18:43 am
Surley your supost to be making me a signature? :O
Of course I am sniffs, ;) Can't guarantee There'll be a cupcake on it though.  Also thank's for the opinions, but I really would like like more :/

The text is 'The Sniffs Lovers', and yummy. if possible with cupcake

:D like my signature xD


nice one. I prefer first one. It suits so nice. White + red, and the other 2 are more random if you ask me :P. Its still nice, but I don't think its my style :<

Why did you steal my signature? >.>
Title: Re: Signature opinions.
Post by: - Robin. on June 03, 2010, 08:20:30 am
Surley your supost to be making me a signature? :O
Of course I am sniffs, ;) Can't guarantee There'll be a cupcake on it though.  Also thank's for the opinions, but I really would like like more :/

The text is 'The Sniffs Lovers', and yummy. if possible with cupcake

:D like my signature xD


nice one. I prefer first one. It suits so nice. White + red, and the other 2 are more random if you ask me :P. Its still nice, but I don't think its my style :<

Why did you steal my signature? >.>

mehehehe you said your signature owns more then mine :(. so i took your signature, so it can't be more ownage :<

obtw rikimaru, invited. My xfire = frankfort if it didn't succeed =D
Title: Re: Signature opinions.
Post by: ZealousR on June 03, 2010, 09:24:22 am
Off topic - Sniffs you should know by now robinz is your new stalker.

On topic - i kind of like them but idk i use more effects and stuff so this seems different from my work (which i haven't done in awhile) but it is new from other forms of work so that is unique
Title: Re: Signature opinions.
Post by: Sniffilicious on June 03, 2010, 03:51:49 pm
Off topic - Sniffs you should know by now robinz is your new stalker.

On topic - i kind of like them but idk i use more effects and stuff so this seems different from my work (which i haven't done in awhile) but it is new from other forms of work so that is unique

Your supost to be making me a sig aswell >.>
Title: Re: Signature opinions.
Post by: Nubie on June 03, 2010, 05:00:45 pm
I like the first one ;)

You wont make me a signature in a year would you <.</
Title: Re: Signature opinions.
Post by: ZealousR on June 03, 2010, 05:33:42 pm
depends on who your talking to nubs

me or riki?

im free since sniffs isnt talking to me now
Title: Re: Signature opinions.
Post by: firelance on June 03, 2010, 08:56:04 pm
Really nice sig's Riki. Could you by any chance make me one?
Title: Re: Signature opinions.
Post by: [FR]FX on June 05, 2010, 11:46:36 am
I think the first is the best ;]