World of Stunting
Off-Topic => Videos And Screenshots => Topic started by: Enzo on May 18, 2010, 05:37:37 pm
He got accepted W00T.
Edited by me in 45 mins, i didnt really do much of an "edit" on this video, because an audition is about the stunts right? <_<
Rexx's XSC Audition[ACCEPTED] (
1:12 nice gravity mod u got there
He didn't mod it, it is possible. Have you even thought about trying the stunt first before accusing people of modding?
Btw, Welcome to XSC Rexx :)
Dude? That ain't gravity :S. Vice City is easier (if you ask me), because on SA you have slowroads and shit, and VC is faster for me =D.
anywai, nice stunt, and edit :wub:
hm i think SA has ALOT more variety. doesnt mean vc or lc is bad. nice stunts though, proud he got accepted :D
Speed in Vice City is very abnormal, that's why it seems faster. You run and drive lots more faster than you do in San Andreas.
idk i still like SA best from variety of bikes stunts etc but thats just me. besides theyr stunt sisters so to bag on one your bagging on the full stunting community and all the methods of stunt.
on another note: gage i would be careful with the edit because though it is about the stunts the flashier it looks the more likely to be accepted :)