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Author Topic: IF you ever wish to learn of my brain :D  (Read 12785 times)

Offline - Robin.

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Re: IF you ever wish to learn of my brain :D
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2010, 06:35:05 am »
Wikipedia (Dutch)


First line: Een idiot savant (geleerde dwaas)
means something like this in English:
An idiot savant (smart ass)


So, your telling me, that your a smartass C:?
« Last Edit: December 28, 2010, 06:36:55 am by - Robin. »

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Offline Mustapha

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Re: IF you ever wish to learn of my brain :D
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2010, 03:16:08 pm »
Lemme get this straight, you were a weird boy, got hit by a baseball, and now you have a mental handicap called savants autism?

Actully, I was just a normal kid. Then when I was 8, I was hit in the head with an aluminum baseball bat. I was knocked out for a good 20 minutes. The doctors said I would most likely be stupid from it, since I took a nice size hit, that even perminently deformed my skull(I have a dent and a slight ridge where the bat hit) but the fact I can funcion, somewhat....and live a semi-normal life, is good. But I've been suffering from alot of social anxiety and such, so my doctor said to try telling people. I guess if people know i'm diffrent, they arn't as adept to make fun or me or call me names when I act like a retard. Or i'm less likely to be offended, idk.
Wait a minute...

If this is an internet site, meaning no face2face or any body visual thing, why would you wanna tell us all about your brain? You don't act stupid at all, I just don't understand why da hell would this topic come out of nowhere about someone's brain.

You should learn to keep the internet and social life apart more often. Sorry if you didn't know this because......of your brain
« Last Edit: December 28, 2010, 03:18:56 pm by Mustapha »
Mustapha: That was just so awesome! The atmosphere reminded me of driving in a car, late at night & listening to some late night radio, really ambient feel you've got going on there. The effects could've been somewhat better, but most of the time, they work, the colors at the very beginning are a bit dull, but they also fit with the theme. I just can't get enough of that atmosphere, it is that freakin' awesome! GL in the finals... I mean, in the upcoming match

Offline idontwannaname

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Re: IF you ever wish to learn of my brain :D
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2010, 03:26:50 pm »
I brought it up because of people calling me "retarded" and of people saying i'm immature.

If you wanna call me "retarded", by all means, understand what the fuck it means first. Retarded literly means "slow". To be "retarded", you have to be mentaly SLOW. my brain works FASTER then I can put into words or such. that's why I often misspell things. My brain switches the letters from going to fast. I also switch topics without reason and at random.

Immature-Yes. I'll at it. I have 2 maturity levels. That of about  15 your old(your mom jokes, ect.) and that of a 25 year old (a nice example is explaining rules or such to people). It's a random switch, but I've learned I CAN force the older one out when I have to.
If you see a big ass bright red fire engine with the lights flashing and siren going, why must you insist on RAMMING it?!?

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Re: IF you ever wish to learn of my brain :D
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2010, 04:30:59 pm »
I brought it up because of people calling me "retarded" and of people saying i'm immature.

If you wanna call me "retarded", by all means, understand what the fuck it means first. Retarded literly means "slow". To be "retarded", you have to be mentaly SLOW. my brain works FASTER then I can put into words or such. that's why I often misspell things. My brain switches the letters from going to fast. I also switch topics without reason and at random.

Immature-Yes. I'll at it. I have 2 maturity levels. That of about  15 your old(your mom jokes, ect.) and that of a 25 year old (a nice example is explaining rules or such to people). It's a random switch, but I've learned I CAN force the older one out when I have to. want us to feel sorry for you?

If so, then I'm sorry for the condition you're suffering and I hope you overcome this thing throughout your life
Mustapha: That was just so awesome! The atmosphere reminded me of driving in a car, late at night & listening to some late night radio, really ambient feel you've got going on there. The effects could've been somewhat better, but most of the time, they work, the colors at the very beginning are a bit dull, but they also fit with the theme. I just can't get enough of that atmosphere, it is that freakin' awesome! GL in the finals... I mean, in the upcoming match

Offline MikeKnight

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Re: IF you ever wish to learn of my brain :D
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2010, 02:20:41 am »

A Nice example for other people??
Thats something i would like to see, If most of Guys i know and are my friends I only have one thing to say: Dont follow his advices or you gona end just like him (smartass) as robin said.
Im sure you gona be wondering why the hell im saying this and what you did wrong to me...
Well to me you have done nothing. But to other people, since there i been "hating" you, trying to be more than you realy are, and overall Trying to be beter then others.
Savatage made this for me :P

Offline Mustapha

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Re: IF you ever wish to learn of my brain :D
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2010, 06:10:51 am »
Well, that's enough. He has a terrible condition and we shouldn't make fun of him.
Mustapha: That was just so awesome! The atmosphere reminded me of driving in a car, late at night & listening to some late night radio, really ambient feel you've got going on there. The effects could've been somewhat better, but most of the time, they work, the colors at the very beginning are a bit dull, but they also fit with the theme. I just can't get enough of that atmosphere, it is that freakin' awesome! GL in the finals... I mean, in the upcoming match

Offline ZealousR

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Re: IF you ever wish to learn of my brain :D
« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2010, 03:40:10 pm »
non of you get it.
Savants doesn't mean he's retarded, google it. conditions can make you act a certain way, this doesn't make him a smartass, doesn't make him any less smarter than you, none of those.

He's told to tell people because, don't miss this part: his DOCTOR told him to. socializing doesn't mean you have to go to someone's face and say hello. it is to talk and communicate, communication happens everywhere ESPECIALLY the internet.

now, before you go feeling sorry, most of you have called him retarded or annoying, etc. you aren't innocent and I can bet the more immature ones of you will go on to try and use this against him.

Dale, I'm pretty proud of you of taking your doctor's advice and sharing this information some people may not understand it but some people might. I would say go with the people that look past it and see you as the fun random kid you are :D

Offline MikeKnight

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Re: IF you ever wish to learn of my brain :D
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2010, 02:56:11 am »
Zealous, I`ve not called him "smartass" coz of his illness or w/e, ive called him that coz certain actions of him in the past, idc if he as that prob or not, im not saying anyting about it, I`ve never made fun a person with Health Problems, Just... Im sure you understand.
Savatage made this for me :P

Offline - Robin.

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Re: IF you ever wish to learn of my brain :D
« Reply #18 on: December 30, 2010, 08:12:45 am »
lol, whats the point of this topic anyways D:

i <3 Take me Out
i <3 Moestie cuz he made signature

Offline Mustapha

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Re: IF you ever wish to learn of my brain :D
« Reply #19 on: December 30, 2010, 03:28:45 pm »
lol, whats the point of this topic anyways D:
Mustapha: That was just so awesome! The atmosphere reminded me of driving in a car, late at night & listening to some late night radio, really ambient feel you've got going on there. The effects could've been somewhat better, but most of the time, they work, the colors at the very beginning are a bit dull, but they also fit with the theme. I just can't get enough of that atmosphere, it is that freakin' awesome! GL in the finals... I mean, in the upcoming match