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Author Topic: IF you ever wish to learn of my brain :D  (Read 12734 times)

Offline idontwannaname

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Re: IF you ever wish to learn of my brain :D
« Reply #20 on: December 30, 2010, 04:57:17 pm »
non of you get it.
Savants doesn't mean he's retarded, google it. conditions can make you act a certain way, this doesn't make him a smartass, doesn't make him any less smarter than you, none of those.

He's told to tell people because, don't miss this part: his DOCTOR told him to. socializing doesn't mean you have to go to someone's face and say hello. it is to talk and communicate, communication happens everywhere ESPECIALLY the internet.

now, before you go feeling sorry, most of you have called him retarded or annoying, etc. you aren't innocent and I can bet the more immature ones of you will go on to try and use this against him.

Dale, I'm pretty proud of you of taking your doctor's advice and sharing this information some people may not understand it but some people might. I would say go with the people that look past it and see you as the fun random kid you are :D

that is what I am glad to hear. Someone who read this topic, and took from it what it really means. I'll be honest, I was kinda scared to tell anyone "Hey I have a form of autism", simply for the exact reason mustapha and mike have shown. They degrade me, call me names, retard, and think i'm immature. It's not that i'm retarded, or stupid, or even immature, I'm just diffrent. My brain doesn't work like everyone elses, and it's hard enough to deal with life as it is. And the sad part is, even Ryan(Admino) called me "annoying" once, because I "question everything he does on the server". Well his claims pure bullshit, cause I question just about everything. We can't learn if we can't ask "why?".

Thank you zeal, at least one person understands that i'm trying to get help, and that now I have a diagnosis, I can work on recovery, or at least adaptation.
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