World of Stunting
Off-Topic => Videos And Screenshots => Topic started by: Enzo on April 29, 2010, 10:56:35 am
dave Chapelle - Get them niggers, they was beating on my truck
He said he divorced his wife. Why?, Because she was a nigger lover.
Omg who gets this amazing reference from the funniest show evar XD
I dont get it :/?
I dont get it :/?
It's a black guy holding a sign that says "I support the Klan" while wearing white robes. If you don't understand it then go look up "KKK" on Google.
um..i just want to clear up...that reference up there is from the dave chappelle not racist...but whats the world without a little racism? everybody has some racist thats whats makes jokes some extent. i saw a guy with a confederacy flag on his car one time on my street and i got but thats not the point, racism works both ways. look it up or you could be that dude who everybody has awkward moments just saying
I get it =D. not funny after all :/ =D
lol stumpy ur awesome for knowing him. uh you know youtube or google can always have some links to his episodes. you tube is a bit more annoying cause the episodes arent either full or hard to find. sometimes in good quality :l