Very cool find, Stumpy.
When I was in high school, I took a computer course (basic) and our computer consisted of this butcher-block sized unit that held a Boot diskette the size of a large pizza but about 3 inches thick, and the units face had lots and lots of pretty lights that flashed off and on when you hit the toggles that lined themselves in multiple rows on the front... only one monitor and it was some sci-fi looking beast that displayed white on black and only the teacher was allowed to use it. We had to use cards that you pencilled in the codes in the correct places and you had to put it in this card-reader, blah blah blah... I failed that course twice! Not because i didn't understand what was being taught, but because i couldn't have cared less at the time. And flowcharts...well, don't get me started lol
But I remember buying my first "real" home computer: a 386SX 32-overdrive, with 16meg of ram and a 2400 baud modem, and I was hitting some bbs's (bulletin board service) like there was no And now there's the internet, just screaming out for everyone to hear and hook up with it.
Indeed; times, they are a changin'...
So thanks again, Stumpy, for posting this vid.