Forum Front Desk > Suggestions Archive

More patience...


This is reffered for the last changes and 'false updates' or wathever you want to change it.

To D3LL.
If you want to organise a Promotion Video that the deadline is 1st January, cancelling 5 days after posting the post is very stupid. I don't know if you stunt, but making a good stunt isn't easy. I mean, if we could send you only the .rep file it would be faster, but you asked for making a stunt, making a video with the stunt, and upload it in youtube, which is not easy.
And as you can see the tags in the post people liked the idea.
Other thing I didn't like is making more houses when /visit is a mess, with some interiors that don't match, etc.

Please D3LL and all the owners, don't run so fast. I know your intentions of fixing WoS are good, but you must have more patiente, and before releasing something, try if it works.

To be honest, I agree.

Totally agree.


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