I had some suggestions for gangs, some should be hard to made and some not.
1. Private stuntwar
My first suggestion is the possibility of challenging other gangs to a private stuntwar.
Like, there is a command as /gang challenge <Gangname> <minimal players> <maximal players> <timelimit>. (command only avaible to leaders/challengers*
Then u have to select a spot by ID in a little window (from normal stuntwar's).. first watching the spot and then u can do a little window with accept or decline. (those <blabla> stuff can also be in a little window.)
Then both gangs get a message to do a /gang acceptchallenge or ignore it. When there are enough players in both teams after 2 minutes, the war will start. When the 2 minutes are over and there are no people, both gangs get a message that the challenge stopped.
*watch third suggestion
2. Gang messager
Another suggestion is a command like /gang message <message>.
That command should just be for leaders/messagers*
It will send a message to all online members, and remember them for offline members.
when those offline members come online they see that message, and they won't ever get it again.
Those messages should be keeped for like 1 week.
*Watch third suggestion
3. Gang rankins
I think there should be a rang system in gangs..
Those rangs should be chosen by the leader of the gang..
here some random ranks:
Co-leader - Same things as leader, but no disbanding.
Inviter - Can invite people to the gang.
Challenger (only if suggestion 1 comes) - can challenge other gangs to private stuntwar
Messager (only if suggestion 2 comes) - can message people in the gang