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Author Topic: Help us, Help you!  (Read 69246 times)

Offline Rikimaru

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Help us, Help you!
« on: November 25, 2010, 08:13:02 pm »
Hello people of World of Stunting,

Today the administrators have all come together and would like your opinions, about what you want World of Stunting to turn into, and how it will react!
Over the past few weeks we've had a huge overhaul on how we are trying to make it so you, the players of World of Stunting, the heart in the chest of this community, want the server and forums to be like.

Now we know that some of your aren't happy about the way certain things have been going, and we want to have your opinions about what you want changed, and how it should be changed.  This does include the Administrators that we currently have, so please be sure to think, before you type.

We can't promise however, that everything will be improvised for every suggestion made, but we will do our best to make the community better.

Please post your suggestions below, only serious suggestions will be taken into consideration, and mature feedback IS required, anything less than mature feedback will NOT be taken into consideration.
I play on consoles, because my PC doesn't exist.  Here is my Gamertag/PSN.  Feel free to add me.

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Offline ChaosOwnige

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Re: Help us, Help you!
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2010, 11:02:22 pm »
I Think that We should have a Board for suggesting Who we would like as an Admin/Mod.
And The Administrator team Could look into that player and ask around.
My suggestion, Ownige

Offline Flippa

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Re: Help us, Help you!
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2010, 11:14:59 pm »
I Think that We should have a Board for suggesting Who we would like as an Admin/Mod.
And The Administrator team Could look into that player and ask around.
My suggestion, Ownige
Popularity contest pls.

Offline idontwannaname

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Re: Help us, Help you!
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2010, 11:33:41 pm »
I Think that We should have a Board for suggesting Who we would like as an Admin/Mod.
And The Administrator team Could look into that player and ask around.
My suggestion, Ownige
Popularity contest pls.

Not only popularity, but players have NEVER had a choice in who became moderator.

But if we need moderators, we need people are know the rules, follow them, and can /report alot. With some of the players we have as requlars, I think maturity is a hard thing to judge on. It's not like alot of the players who are left are "prime cuts" for moderators, but we have to work with what we have.

As for what I think we need, we need the houses and gangs to be fixed. And for accounts to be restored. That is the biggest complaint from what I have heard. We should also add a time when all the server owners, and trial mods get on at once, to answer questions. Owners for the updates and future and such, and trials, to test how they handle large crowds, can handle questions, and if when needed, they can be mature. This would let alot of players ask what's on their minds, and the owners can get closer to the "community"

Speaking of community, we need to reestablish it. WOS used to be a friendly place. People helped others, people taught stunting and drifting, and players would often answer /rule questions. I made alot of friends here,  shabz, ihopeyoudrown, flippa, mike_knight, oh_shit, xcan, more then I can list. And I made friends with moderators like tina, brendon, and rikimaru. And that was all before I was ever close to being a moderator. We to get back the...the friendlyness, of WOS. Where everyone had fun. Everyone could have a good time, and we had parties and such. If I remember back way into like june, I remember being with a huge group of players, on a boat at /t beach, having fun and /pissing on things, and chatting, and THAT is what we need. The friendly, "we are good people" mood back to the server. It was always my friends I loved about WOS.
(please note:The immature comments in this statement, like /pissing on things, were just intended as fun. WOS can't just be "uptight mature" all the time, you have to have some fun. And players open up ALOT more if you have fun with them, and be a friend, rather then a mature person who watches over them like a hawk, it scares them.)

I think in a short list:

Fix houses
Fix gangs
Bring WOS back into a friendly community again

And WOS should be back to 150 players normal, and things should mello out.

Edited in for lols:If you go read "farewell friends" by slyfox, you can find a PERFECT example between me and flippa of that "friendly" community I'm talking about. Were we just get along. :] THATS IT! That's the words I was looking for! WOS needs to stop fighting about updates, and stop fighting about moderators! We need to GET ALONG! Be friends! We need to have a party! Go and drink some /beers and hit on the girls! That is what WOS needs right now, is some fun.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2010, 12:11:50 am by idontwannaname »
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Offline PaTt

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Re: Help us, Help you!
« Reply #4 on: November 26, 2010, 12:35:46 am »
So let me get this straight dale, Your idea of "having fun" is getting drunk on a game and make women feel like they are just objects? To me that isnt fun.

Riki I bow down to you for making this topic even though I was there when you made it :) But, on topic, like Dale said i think all we need now is Hidden's big update. But since Ryan and Hidden are arguing, i dont think that will happen anytime soon.


Offline Rikimaru

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Re: Help us, Help you!
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2010, 01:58:15 am »
Dale, that is the perfect example of feedback we're looking for.  Prime example.

There's much content already, and we will be discussing this shortly, please, keep the feedback coming.  As far as Hiddens update goes, I'll be helping him with that as well.
I play on consoles, because my PC doesn't exist.  Here is my Gamertag/PSN.  Feel free to add me.

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Offline idontwannaname

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Re: Help us, Help you!
« Reply #6 on: November 26, 2010, 05:03:57 am »
So let me get this straight dale, Your idea of "having fun" is getting drunk on a game and make women feel like they are just objects? To me that isnt fun.

Riki I bow down to you for making this topic even though I was there when you made it :) But, on topic, like Dale said i think all we need now is Hidden's big update. But since Ryan and Hidden are arguing, i dont think that will happen anytime soon.


PaTt::I was making a point, of a party. WOS made me stay, because I loved the people.

Riki:I have many many ideas and updates we could do/add to bring WOS closer and stop the fighting. But it is more then I can type out without taking up tons of your threads space. But one good way to find alot of the information like I found, is maybe make a player-friendly moderator. I'm not ripping on anyone here, but most people see current moderators as like cops. Their kinda shy, and not really willing to be open with their ideas to moderators. But, if we took someone from their group, who knows the players, but knows the rules, who can be mature when needed, enough that they can preform moderator task, but is immature enough to get along with the players, a much needed link betwen players/moderators could be established. That moderator would probably be hard stressed from having to deal with both sides, and weight both sides arguments, and deside what can and can't be considered, like a negotiator, or judge. The moderator can listen to both sides thoughts, opinions, and ideas, weight there value, and bring up to the owners what can be brought up, and explain to players how busy and hard working the owners are. By acting as a go-between from owners/admins to players, the flow of thoughts and ideas, as well as feelings, would pass much smoother.
If you see a big ass bright red fire engine with the lights flashing and siren going, why must you insist on RAMMING it?!?

Offline PaTt

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Re: Help us, Help you!
« Reply #7 on: November 26, 2010, 06:10:19 am »
A lot has gone down since Rymich got it but I think that we can get this server up like the way it was with just a bit of commitment from everyone. It seems like many people are complaining a lot but not many people are doing anything to help.

If we at minimum get this forum post up and going to atleast make even the slightest chance of a start to what we are heading for, I reckon we would be able to do it. But, like I said, we will need a ton of supporters in achieving it. This isn't a one man job.

I agree with idontwannaname on the "insider sort of" job, but there aren't many people out there who are like that. Plus if that happens, we also need to take care of the fact that they won't go mad with power or stress. I think, what we should do is, if we do what idontwannaname said I think we should make a poll and vote on who we think would be the best person for the job. That way the community knows the person well and trusts their instinct.


Offline idontwannaname

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Re: Help us, Help you!
« Reply #8 on: November 26, 2010, 11:21:18 am »
A lot has gone down since Rymich got it but I think that we can get this server up like the way it was with just a bit of commitment from everyone. It seems like many people are complaining a lot but not many people are doing anything to help.

If we at minimum get this forum post up and going to atleast make even the slightest chance of a start to what we are heading for, I reckon we would be able to do it. But, like I said, we will need a ton of supporters in achieving it. This isn't a one man job.

I agree with idontwannaname on the "insider sort of" job, but there aren't many people out there who are like that. Plus if that happens, we also need to take care of the fact that they won't go mad with power or stress. I think, what we should do is, if we do what idontwannaname said I think we should make a poll and vote on who we think would be the best person for the job. That way the community knows the person well and trusts their instinct.


The player would also NOT have to scare players. Not to offen any moderators or admins, but you show up to a group a people, and it's kind of like talking to the police, their scared. We need someone who can hit both sides. Able to be moderator-like when needed, like if someone filed a /report, but immature and crazy enough, to party and have fun with the players, so that they feel more friendly towards whoever is chosen. This would open them up, They would want to talk. That is what we need.
If you see a big ass bright red fire engine with the lights flashing and siren going, why must you insist on RAMMING it?!?

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Re: Help us, Help you!
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2010, 12:22:19 pm »
Before asking suggestions you all should better clean the shit that the server has came into.
And putting a board for asking people to see who wants to be an admin, I think there is a reason admino handpicked the admins.