Forum Front Desk > Suggestions

Enable color embedding, please ;)


- Robin.:
Like what the title says.. Colour Embedding is added in 0.3c, but it doesn't work in the chat..

Like, when you do "hello {FF0000} dude" in game, it shows hello dude in a white colour. It's supposed to be hello in white color, and dude in red color..

So, that means that Colour Embedding is disabled in chat. It also is at the vehicle plates, since it also checks what you type in.. The {FF0000} automaticly becomes nothing.. So, if you got: "Robin's {FF0000} Car", the script things you did /nameplate Robin's car.

Soooo, what my suggestion is: Make it so you don't do {FF0000}, because that automaticly disseapers, but just do {COLOR_RED}..
Or, make it so /nameplate shows up a dialog where you can put it in..

Indeed :D its downloadable also but its much more epic to make yourself


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