Forum Front Desk > Suggestions

Can we have radios?

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I made this topic before, but it was lost. :[

Anyways, Alot of people roleplay on WOS. Common groups are LSPD, LVFD, SFFD, and SAPD. Well, Why not have a radio command, like /r (message)? You could turn it on/off by typing /radio on/off. So far we have been using gangs, or teamspeak, and to problem is No one will leave a gang to join a radio gang, not to mention stuntwars are lame with a radio gang, and teamspeak is hard cause no one has a microphone half the time.

Feel free to leave your feedback, or If you have more to add post it.

/r is for reply messages.
Better /radio (/ra shortcutted)

There's something what I want to know

Why not to make a gang where you invite ONLY guys who need /g chat
example: LSPD, LVFD, SFFD, and SAPD members.

As I said, no one is willing to leave a gang to join a gang that is only used for radios. And everyone thinks each department should have a gang, leading to chat spam of SFFD to SFPD and such. We kinda need a join radio thing.


--- Quote from: GNGification on November 20, 2010, 06:28:16 am ---There's something what I want to know

Why not to make a gang where you invite ONLY guys who need /g chat
example: LSPD, LVFD, SFFD, and SAPD members.

--- End quote ---

You are doing the same answers for the same suggestions starting the same fight...


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