White: the intro was really nice, liked the white/red color scheme & the depth of field effects. the editing was really nice, liked the way you used the cinematic camera angles, the cc was dark & beautiful, really complementing the ambient atmosphere, tho you could've adjusted brightness/contrast on the freeway stunt, as it was way too dark on that one. Nice notice of the heli on that last stunt, I've always tried to land a stunt exactly when it flies by, but I've never managed that

Kudos to that. Really loved the blur effects & the tv sync on the freeway stunt, fitsgoodman.
Mxz: your edit was a total contrast of White's. Where White's edit was soothing & laid back, yours was totally energetic & vivid, it kept me pumped up for the whole vid, which was awesome. The intro really played it's part here, it really prepared you for what's coming & made you feel anxious to see what happens next, so you got me hooked from the very beginning. The effects were all over the place, at some parts, they could've been synced better or made a bit more fitting to the depth of the beats, but in general they were really well-crafted and fitting, tho I was expecting some more tv simulator for this kinda song. The cc was nice, but it could've used a stronger vignette, with more brightened center, imo that would've made the effects better looking as well. I would also like to address the ending, 'cause imo, it was a great way to end the vid, the beat was just perfect for cutting it off & it really felt like an actual ending & you don't see that too often for such short vids.
Really, really, really, REALLY TOUGH DECISION. If the objective was different, I swear, I'd have no choice but to vote tie. you both did an amazing, excellent work & you've come to prove that you both are indeed great editors who can work in different spheres & make the best of it, whether it'd be pumped up overediting, or creating an exhilarating atmosphere that pulls the viewer in & making him see the vid in a whole different perspective than he usually would. I'm voting for
Mxz just because he completed the objective better then White, in my eyes, this is a complete tie if you take the objective out.