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Messages - leoman07

Pages: [1] 2
Ban Appeal. / Re: Ban Appeal - I lol'd
« on: May 14, 2011, 04:45:05 pm »
Yea lol, after 1 or 2 minutes I refreshed my ban appeal and it said i do not have the permission to see that page, I went to the Ban Appeals board and my appeal just disappeared.

Ban Appeal. / Ban Appeal - I lol'd
« on: May 14, 2011, 04:37:17 pm »
In-Game Name: Leo_Man
Admin That Banned You: SlyFox
Reason Given By Admin: Advertising, but for obvious reasons, he changed it to "Hacks"
Are You Sorry: Nope
Will you read and accept /rules?: After being banned 4 times, you can pretty much guess.
Extra Info: Kai so, i was in the server doing my stuff, and i see this guy i thought i knew. I send him a couple of PMs and then I ask "Do you have Xfire"? and suddenly I get banned for "Advertising" by Sly. Nice job.

P.S.: I made a previous ban appeal with chat logs and guess wut? SlyFox removed it   :P

Modding / Re: Question About Modding
« on: April 27, 2011, 11:03:27 am »
Hi, if you're looking into modding and you wanna non-modded and modded game do you have to back up your files even though you've got the non-modded version? I Know this might be obvious to some of you and might even think I'm dumb. I'm just making sure before i mess anything up


I never backup and you say im insane :3

Ban Appeal. / Re: SoulKillers ban appeal
« on: April 22, 2011, 09:20:48 pm »
Unfair ban, it was through a PM wtf... I think Elliot made a mistake adding Kubson to the staff IMO

Suggestions / Re: World of Stunt Mobile
« on: January 06, 2011, 01:54:26 pm »
Ahhhh, but you do admit that theres people trying to access with a PSP (besides me duhh :rolleyes:) to worldofstunt.com

But what about trying to access with a Blackberry? or any phone with internet browser thats not an Iphone or an Android?? :unsure:

And "Taking time"?? oh pleasee you've got A WHOLE YEAR in front of you so dont get me started on that one, 359 days to go, so i think that gives you and anyone enough time...   Just sayin'...

Suggestions / Re: World of Stunt Mobile
« on: January 06, 2011, 09:51:46 am »
I don't need that, i often come on WoS forums with no problem.With a mobile phone. :] Pages load fast for me + i got an android and everytime i visit WoS on my mobile it says ''This forum is blablabla mobile forum'' so it's already supported if you have an android ofcourse xD

How can you compare a PSP with an Android.... ofc its gonna load, but think about ppl that can't afford something like an android or an ipod touch, i'd get one if i'd live in the US but noooo, i have to live in a third world country which president is A MAYOR RETARD that steals money and lives like a FUCKING QUEEN, hence Venezuela is FUCKED UP, hence i cant get an iphone, hence i try to access with my PSP, hence it doesnt work...  Happy?

Suggestions / World of Stunt Mobile
« on: January 05, 2011, 10:09:01 pm »
Well, this might be an odd and some may say "useless" suggestion but yesterday i was on my PSP's internet browser in Worldofstunt.com and i thought "This really takes a while to load and is all scrambled and weird" but, hey Wikipedia has it and im sure lots of other pages do!. I know, I know, you might say "Dude, its wikipedia" but whos to say WE CANT? because im sure we can so please take this in mind.

Hell, if i had a Iphone or Blackberry what ever im sure i'd try to get on worldofstunt.com, if im walking down the street i see something cool and i say "Huh, maybe they could use that in WoS..." when i get home to my PC... "What was i gonna do???" I FORGOT *FAIL*

So it would come handy to have a mobile WorldofStunt.com some times...   Just think about it.


Everything and Anything / Help with gift
« on: December 27, 2010, 11:08:11 pm »
Ok so, i got a new Fender Squier guitar for christmas but im having some trouble using the Tremolo arm or Whammy bar...    I've search in every possible forum, webpage, YT videos but i got nothing...   :unsure:

So if someone can help me PLEASE...


Other Problems / Kicked?
« on: December 19, 2010, 02:56:25 pm »
On December 16th i reported a player for using hacks in stuntwar. In my same report Pimper posted a screenshot.
Earlier that day when i found out that certain player was using the hacks i wrote to Pimper: "uknown player is using <removed> or "n00bmod" and i got instantly kicked.

Now my question is: Why did i got kicked for saying <removed>? also in the topic subject i said <removed> and it appears "n00bmod"

So two questions: why do i get kicked, and why does it appear n00bmod?


Everything and Anything / Re: RIP shana
« on: December 19, 2010, 02:38:45 pm »
May i ask, why do you have a pager?  :unsure:

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