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Messages - idontwannaname

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9
Videos And Screenshots / Re: Epic fail on school computer
« on: June 18, 2010, 09:08:31 pm »
keyboard failure lol

so, wheres the "any" key?

Introduce Yourself / Re: Hello :D
« on: June 18, 2010, 09:53:58 am »
welcome to WOS. the best server since ever

Other Problems / Re: gang troubles
« on: June 16, 2010, 07:28:43 pm »
 have used /g and it worked, as well as /gang members, which shows only me, and the gang is SFFD

Other Problems / Re: gang troubles
« on: June 16, 2010, 10:31:51 am »
i did it, but i never get a message, and i dont know if they are getting them or not. but ive invited about 4 and none have shown up

Other Problems / Re: gang troubles
« on: June 15, 2010, 01:55:17 pm »
i paid the 100000 for it

i have oll the other commands, i just ant recruit..

Other Problems / Re: Weir something in sky
« on: June 15, 2010, 09:24:45 am »
Its called UFO. No really.

When GTA SA was made, they made "flashing ufo lights" as a joke to go with area 69(area 51)

These fly faster then you can ever fly. And its all in the game. Seriously, go look though the cd files. Youll find a "UFO LIGHT 1" object. theirs 3-4 of them. they just spawn.

Other Problems / gang troubles
« on: June 15, 2010, 09:12:37 am »
im having alot of issues.

1:when i do /gang invite id, i get no message, and they say they never get an invite.
2:i went to the gangs forum and found my gang, and got 404-page not found.

so does my gang have a bug? or is it broken? or am i just doomed to never recruit :(

Ban Appeal. / Re: What the fuck is going on?
« on: June 13, 2010, 02:35:45 pm »
i prbly shouldnt post here, but the line

"Shabz your mom is g**" and he said "amanda your ***** stinks"

isnt that like samplayers thing? and he uses the same username style and ping...

just my opinion, but i think this is sampy

Server Updates / Re: Moderator recruitment
« on: June 07, 2010, 06:24:10 pm »
Location:tucson arizona
The board you want to moderate:ill take any, im not picky
Why you would make a good moderator:i deal with situations well, without being overly harsh or not harsh enough
Extra information:Im a firefighter irl, and it helps me to understand sutuations and examine everything. so i dont miss alot of details

Do you have clear knowledge of the rules:yes
Do you have clear knowledge of the Terms of Service:yes

Keeping in mind that there's a warn system, answer the following

What would you do if someone spammed porn:warn the player, delete the content.
What would you do if someone posted 1 word responses to everything:i would first warn them, then start taking actions
What would you do if someone posted links to hacks:delete the content with the hacks, lock the topic, and (idk if i could) ban the player for hacks/advertising hacks(hackers dont deserve to breath my air)

haha i forgot i posted this. yeah ive been coming for  awhile and ive got alot of this stuff down, and i made my gang today. SFFD, ask to join :D

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