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Messages - idontwannaname

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9
Pending / Re: Arena of pain!
« on: November 23, 2010, 01:56:38 am »
Ehh, the underground is a bit large. Maybe use parts from it, but in a fight to the death, large area, round could last forever.

Pending / Re: Arena of pain!
« on: November 22, 2010, 09:36:47 pm »
A new map yes, but also a new FORM for DMing. Right now, you're given 1 gun, spawn, and set loose. This gives you a few guns, sets you in a more tactical area, and makes you have to think. If you just run around with an m4 shooting, some sniper is gonna pick you off. If you're a sniper, some guy with a knife is gonna creep up on you. This adds a whole new level of difficulty, and fighting, to DMing.

Pending / Re: Arena of pain!
« on: November 22, 2010, 10:22:22 am »
It should be small, maybe like use the battleground ara from Zeros rc mission with the goblins. Just edit some parts in

Pending / Arena of pain!
« on: November 22, 2010, 06:42:36 am »
So far, for fighitng, players have /deathmatch, which sets them to a certaint place with a certaint gun, and /warworld which is buggy. and lets them go anywhere in the map. Both are great, But I though of a new place, which would really challenge those who want to deathmatch to blow off steam.

An arena constructed for batttle.

I'm not talking like move somewhere in the map, I mean constructed objects,(like /christmas) That has places to hide, towers for sniping, Alleys and mazes for close quaters combat. You also would only get certaint weapons, like a knife, a desert eagle, a normal shotgun, mp5, m4, and a sniper rifle.

This would really challenge players, as each time they die, the would respawn somewhere new, but having to find a place to hide on a dime without being sniped. As well, well hidden players could take down stalkers with a few shots, and stalkers would sneek up on snipers and take them out. It would be really fun.

Suggestions Archive / Re: Trusted players
« on: November 22, 2010, 06:32:29 am »
I like the idea of trust players as a rank, but /weapon is really asking alot, because it promotes deathmatching.

Suggestions / Re: Can we have radios?
« on: November 21, 2010, 11:10:21 am »
*insert facepalm here*

Did I say even a thing on language? The points of TS were:

*Not everyone has it
*NOt everyone has a microphone
*Not everyone SPEAKS english. But alot of people have no problem TYPING it. Because an accsent is harder to understand.

And The radio SHOULD be for public use, with /radio on/off.

The idea is make it so anyone who wants to roleplay with us CAN. Are you going to sit down, teach everyone how to use TS, buy everyone a microphone, and teach them perfect english, when they obviously know how to type to ask us if they can play with us? A command is just a whole lot easyer to use then to teach everyone TS, or get everyone in one gang. We tried TS once, it was a desister. Out of 8 people, 3 had microphones, 2 had no idea what teamspeak was, and 1 couldnt be understood at all because of his acsent.

Suggestions / Re: Can we have radios?
« on: November 20, 2010, 10:12:05 am »
As I said, no one is willing to leave a gang to join a gang that is only used for radios. And everyone thinks each department should have a gang, leading to chat spam of SFFD to SFPD and such. We kinda need a join radio thing.

Suggestions / Can we have radios?
« on: November 19, 2010, 07:57:12 pm »
I made this topic before, but it was lost. :[

Anyways, Alot of people roleplay on WOS. Common groups are LSPD, LVFD, SFFD, and SAPD. Well, Why not have a radio command, like /r (message)? You could turn it on/off by typing /radio on/off. So far we have been using gangs, or teamspeak, and to problem is No one will leave a gang to join a radio gang, not to mention stuntwars are lame with a radio gang, and teamspeak is hard cause no one has a microphone half the time.

Feel free to leave your feedback, or If you have more to add post it.

Forum Upgrades / Re: World of stunting back-online
« on: November 18, 2010, 04:24:21 pm »
I am going to assist in the recovery of information. If anyone wishes to use me as a witness to your score, gang, or anything like that, I will be willing to help, as well as trying to remember updates and such we have had since june.

very nice, but why does everyone fly them upside down?

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