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Messages - idontwannaname

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General / Re: SFFD(San Feirro Fire Department) Offical Thread!
« on: December 08, 2010, 07:35:51 am »
Whats the point of that crew ? nobody fires up anything .. nobody even does RP.
I see it pointless

ALot of people RP with us, but I would love to know why you think they don't, considering the fact I have not seen you logged on at the same time as me in.....months.

Everything and Anything / Re: RIP shana
« on: December 07, 2010, 11:18:47 pm »
Name it...Tetsamaru

I gave the name "shana" back to it, as the computer only needed a new hardrve, and is NOT a whole new computer. So, meh, same name.

General / SFFD(San Feirro Fire Department) Offical Thread!
« on: December 07, 2010, 11:10:31 pm »
SFFD, the leader in fire fighting and rescues.
motto:First ones in, last ones out!

    SFFD Is the station located in San Feirro, just down the road from /t vip. We were the oldest station on WOS, and employ the most people. We are the specialized department of San Andreas county, having both a hazmat, water rescue, and Medical Helicopter.

Our peices:

Engine 1:The flagship for SFFD. A 2008 Peirce dash engine. All LED lighting, and a Federal Q+powercall.
Engine 2:The second, and older truck, of SFFD. A 2006 Peirce dash engine, which the same setup as Engine 1, but using strobes.
Engine 3:Our reserve/training unit. A 1982 seagrave with a Q and PA300.
Rescue 1:A 1998 Ford L8000 Box unit, modified for firefighting uses. The Q and powercall are great.
Ladder 1:Our newest peice, a 2010 Pierce velocity rear mount quint. Since it has a 105 foot ladder and a pump, it can easly hold its own against the other trucks.
Medic 81:A large international 2009 ambulance. Only has a PA400, but it works well enough.
Medic 82:A second, and older, medical unit. A 2002 Ford ambulance.
Cheif 8:A small rancher with lighting and computers for on scene command. EQ2B and powercall.
Heli 1:A large mavarick medical chopter.
Hazmat 1:A 2 peice truck and trailer dispatched all over SA for any hazmat situation, after lead by Rescue 1.
SSRU:A small boat we use to rescue people from water, carried on rescue 1.

Assistant chief:[SFFD]Matt_Bird
FF:slyfox(possibly gone from WOS forever :(  )
juinor FF/trainee:almogo0o


Application to join:

Ingame name:
Real name(Only need the first)
Hours online:
Driving skills:
Ability to follow orders:
Main language:
Secondary language:


December 07, 2010-10-23pm-Forum created.
December 08, 2010-10:00am- ladder 1 will be out of service for 2 hours for schedualed maitenence.
December 11, 2010-1pm-Training and meeting afterwords, members who do NOT show WILL be marked as absenent and receive a strike on their records

I expect everyone who is in SFFD to follow these, report to me if they break any of them

1:ALL WOS RULES APPLY! If you break a WOS rule, your breaking our rules.
2:Be polite:We don't want you being a prick to our civilains
3:Try to attent all trainings:Each time you skip, you receive a mark, 5 marks, and you have a hearing.
4:Be safe!: I don't care if you're driving, in a house, or drinking coffee, be careful! We don't need you to become a victim.


Marks:A mark is given for smaller mistakes. 5 marks will get you a hearing.
Hearing:When to many little things are brought up. The cheifs will deside what to do about punishment for you.
Suspention:Not being able to work for 1-4 weeks.
Fired:You are stripped of your rights and titles, but DO have the ability to ask to be re-gored
Banned:You are not allowed in the station, on the trucks, or in our gear. But I can't really ban you from coming on the property. :[

Please note:If you are breaking WOS rules, you will be repported to admins/mods. So if we catch you flaming of DMing, we will /report you on top of our punishments.

So thats it, leave your NICE feedback, reports, aplications, and such, down below.

*List of people banned from SFFD
D3LL:Banned from joining until he fixes gangs, since ours is broken. -_-
Kittycatash(ley):Constantly saying LVFD is better
**Please note:Being banend from joining SFFD, does NOT mean you are banned from WOS, just our gang, activities, and building.

Everything and Anything / Re: RIP shana
« on: December 07, 2010, 10:43:59 pm »
Sad part is,it WAs backed up. But when the roof leaked, my desk got soaked. Shana, the bottom of the screen(thank god its on a stand), alot of expensive books, the external hardrive(I tried to pull data, got nothing), my pager, my wallet, and my favorite pair of earphones! :[

Everything and Anything / Re: RIP shana
« on: December 07, 2010, 04:36:38 pm »
Well good news, SHANA LIVES!

The hardrive was totaled, so my files WERE lost, however the CPU lived, and the external saved her information, and some of my hard saves.

My mods are gone
and alot of others.

But I am downloading and repairing her. I expect her to be online tonight or tomarrow.

Everything and Anything / Re: RIP shana
« on: December 06, 2010, 08:44:05 pm »
2 reasons.

Voice software. A computer wont listen to "Computer open this", it has to be a named program.
File finding. I have 98% of shana's files on an external hardrive. When I load them into the new computer, I need a way to tell Shana's old files from the new computers files. Hard to beleive, but I have a bionicle downloaded game from windows 98 still from bill, it's labeled as "Bills files/bionical/MNOLG" on the hardrive, which i just got out of shana.

btw, "bill" was my irst named computer, a gateway windows 98 :]

Everything and Anything / RIP shana
« on: December 06, 2010, 04:50:14 pm »
Well, once again, I have totaled a computer. So, I now have to go and buy a new one, tomarrow. Shana was killed by water getting into her case after my roof leaked all over my desk. 

So, as a  tribute to shana, and all the bullshit she delt with from me, i'm letting YOU name her predisessor, here are names I liked, but feel free to add your own, and which ever gets the most votes win.


Player Reports / Re: Report:PaTt
« on: December 06, 2010, 03:24:21 am »
Mike:You werent in the report, and I will upoad the video when I go to bed, because youtube takes like 8 hours to upload 30 seconds. The ONLY reason I mentioned your name was because you were in one of the trucks, in the upper right corner for about 5 seconds, which is why I did NOT add you to the report, you didn't really do anything wrong. I am NOT mad at you about losing my mod, if I still had it, I would probably be being flamed and having death threats sent to me like the others.

PaTt:We are NOT good frineds, BECAUSe you insult me, and others, and I HAVE told you this. I could care less what the "my old fellow admins" think, because I know they could care less about what I think of D3LL and hidden. As for what I want to acheive? I want you to be delt with, and hopefully have someone teach you that insulting and degrading players is NOT ok, and is NOT right. I have told you this, others have told you this, and you have not listened. So, I am forced to take this to the next level, and report you. I'm sorry if you think I;m picking on you, but as mike said

"You even said your gonna spam the report boards"

Well, let's put it this way. No admin or moderator is on in the timeslot we play. PaTt and Mike sure are not going to take the time to film and report players breaking rules. And sorry if I don't want a ton of hackers on the server, but I WILL report anyone I need to. If this means posting 5 films of hackers, then so be it. If their breaking rules, they have a reason to be report. PaTt insults other players quite often, and it's gone on to long, so as much as I hate reporting a player who is regularly on, I have to, because this NEEDS to stop.

Player Reports / Re: Report:PaTt
« on: December 06, 2010, 03:05:54 am »
Dude see what your doing you won't even let me voice my opinion because all you say is "i dont give a damn what you say", why don't you just act your age and not your show size dale. Trust me this hasn't been going on for that long dude but your acting like it is your life. Also I like how you completely ignore the fact that YOU started it and also join in to the arguement BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER you were a mod. I can not stress that enough of how you say "i dont care im a mod anymore" BULLSHIT you dont! Every second sentence with you is talking about how you WERE a mod and how you WERE in charge. Get over it dude.

Why can't everyone just play the fucking game. It is people like Dale who wreck the community for others by creating rumours, spreading them, then blaming other people because he can't admit to his own faults. I have had enough of you and your pathetic friends who just think its "fun" to gang up on somebody. Sooner or later your going to piss someone off so badly that you will regret it Dale and noone will be there to back you up just like your "online friends". Leave me, my friends, the community, admins, moderators, everyone in society alone because all you do is create such a catastrophy that never ends up well on your behalf.

I think that second part shows just how you are.  I don't spread rumors, I;m trying to save the community, if you ever bother to read the suggestion boards, since you troll me their also, and you just called me "pathetic". Did I even once insult you in my report? No, I didn't, because I don't want to hurt your feelings. I don't think going out to hurt others is right. Which is why I sit here now, reporting you. Your whole goal when you make these comments is to hurt others, and I won't allow it. I WILL report you, and I WILL continue to report you, until you either stop being rude, and insulting everyone, or until the issue at hand is solved.

You say your just joking, and that were "good friends", but obviously, your not. Your second line in that statement shows you DO hate me, for whatever reason, and that you have no problem insulting others. And You make it very clear you are NOT joking in your statements. I beleive you ONLY say "there just jokes" so the admins and moderators think otherwise. But, if they were jokes, people would NOT be offended as me and others are.

Player Reports / Re: Report:PaTt
« on: December 06, 2010, 02:47:01 am »
No I haven't Pulp. Rikimaru and Zealous STARTED that and Riki was lucky enough to keep his admin because if I'd have saved that conversation he'd be gone. Dale started this one too since ages ago when he gave me shit and I just defended myself. The only reason your all putting this against me is because you have proof yet if I'd have saved all of the conversations ENTIRELY it'd be a different story. So don't come and try to act all "macho" on me Pulp when this has nothing to do with you.

I've got proofs there form BEFORE, DURING, and AFTER i was a moderator. You have been doing this for a few months. And I'm NOT the only person you attack.


The video is of you and mike Deathmatching with the firetrucks, on both me and matt.

And PaTt, answer me this. Are you mad that I don't find your insults funny, or that you got caught, and relise Your on screenshots?

Flippa:I could care less about being a mod. Besides, they only get flamed now a days. But Since I no longer have to wait for a mod to show up, and I can report PaTt right here, I am going to do so.

PaTt:I don;t give a damn What you "think", you have flamed, threatned, and harassed me and others. It's not funny, it;s not jokes, or being friends, it's annoying, and it's unneeded. I've told you to stop, MAtt told you to stop, and so did other players. And moderators have taken action against you before for these things.

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