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Topics - idontwannaname

Pages: 1 [2]
Suggestions / Can we have radios?
« on: November 19, 2010, 07:57:12 pm »
I made this topic before, but it was lost. :[

Anyways, Alot of people roleplay on WOS. Common groups are LSPD, LVFD, SFFD, and SAPD. Well, Why not have a radio command, like /r (message)? You could turn it on/off by typing /radio on/off. So far we have been using gangs, or teamspeak, and to problem is No one will leave a gang to join a radio gang, not to mention stuntwars are lame with a radio gang, and teamspeak is hard cause no one has a microphone half the time.

Feel free to leave your feedback, or If you have more to add post it.

Other Problems / gang troubles
« on: June 15, 2010, 09:12:37 am »
im having alot of issues.

1:when i do /gang invite id, i get no message, and they say they never get an invite.
2:i went to the gangs forum and found my gang, and got 404-page not found.

so does my gang have a bug? or is it broken? or am i just doomed to never recruit :(

Other Problems / money bug
« on: May 27, 2010, 05:28:49 am »
ok. ive done jobs for a bit and got 100000 for my SFFD group. well it took my money when i made the group. but when my next bank thing came, i got the 100000 back. is this a bug or is this ment to happen? and if it is a bug, can i  keep the cash anyways? :D

Other Problems / How do i start a group?(move if wrong forum)
« on: May 23, 2010, 08:56:42 am »
I wanna start a small roleplay type group for SFFD(san feirro fire dept). its mostly like driving and racing around in fire trucks and that, but i dont know how you go about starting it

Other Problems / New to the server, need some advice.
« on: January 26, 2010, 05:37:43 am »
Ok, im new here. So i have a few questions. Little help would be appreciated so im not such a noob.

1:how do you get a house? i'd like to have one to store my car in and to have fun in.
2:can we buy a car, or do we just find them?
3:Is killing people in-game allowed? i dont Want to randomly start deathmatching, but if someone scratches my paint, can i blast them XD

Other then a few minor issues (mainly a guy ramming me constantly) i had fun. difenatly coming back. My favorite car, which is the one i use, is the elegy, tuned for max performance. always bright red. trust me, youll regonize it once im on more. ive only ever lost one race in it, and thats cause i cant do jumps, im scared of scratching my paint job XD

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