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Messages - ddspliting

Pages: [1]
thts lovely editing!!

Everything and Anything / Post Editing (Test)
« on: August 04, 2009, 02:20:59 pm »
Hey guys!
Here's a test video. I tried to add effects to the car explosion in Gta.. though its ROUGHLY edited and a RAW one.
I was just playing with the software i used for editing, anyways it can be improved XD.. I guess there are some mods available for realistic explosions already but here its all post effects.

P.S.: Where's my health status bar after the last explosion? :D

Everything and Anything / Re: Recently Watched Movie....
« on: August 04, 2009, 05:10:35 am »

Not bad! A good thriller.

Everything and Anything / Recently Watched Movie....
« on: August 03, 2009, 12:44:33 pm »
talk about the movie you've recently watched...
the format should be like this

"Movie Name"-(your rating,out of 10)
"your comments"

so I start...

I really Liked it as I am a fan of that kind of sci-fi movies. The story (for me) had a fine pace as it continued and the acting was fine too. I recommend watching it.    <_<

Everything and Anything / Re: Take a picture of your desktop
« on: August 01, 2009, 07:18:09 am »
My Desktop...

Pages: [1]