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Topics - alpha500delta

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5
Other Problems / Hacks
« on: February 11, 2010, 12:19:24 pm »
Hi all, I suspect elari from hax, I don't know for sure and I don't want to report it yet, but its weird.
here is a weird pic that I not fully understand.

Other Problems / report
« on: January 28, 2010, 02:04:00 am »
By this topic I'd like to report FaVor1t from speed/flyhacking.
he said he hacked becuase there were no admins online.
I have proof on my Xfire:  alpha500delta

I have no pics unfortanly.

Suggestions Archive / another suggestion :O
« on: January 26, 2010, 06:25:58 am »
Hi all, this are some of my latest suggestions:

-an /onbp to get back on a bike as a passenger, Becuase when the bike hits a wall, both people fall of, the driver can type /onx but I think that you can do /onbp and /onxp too. It sure would come handy I think

-change races, like a figure-8 race or a hydra race, becuase the 'normal' races are rarely joined. And I also suggest to make an anti-hack in races, becuase almost all records are holden by hackers :angry: so we cant break the record anymore :angry:

Other Problems / found a /onb bug
« on: January 24, 2010, 07:40:42 am »
when you are on a bike and press ALT (WITHOUT typing /onb) you sometimes get transported to a car from someone else.

I was on a bike and I pressed ALT and suddenly I was in [JJT]Black_Ice's car  :unsure: :unsure:
Can this be fixed?

Suggestions Archive / yet another suggestion from me
« on: January 23, 2010, 07:15:05 am »
I sugested to put on a Vote kick/ban on the server but admino said that it will not work and probably abused by people.
But there is another way:
I know a server where they have a sort of kick/ban system and this is how it works:

if you type 5 lines in less then 10 sec. it says: next line is kick!
if you type a line then within 10 sec. it kicks you automaticly.

That would be handy for the server when no admins are online  B)

Suggestions Archive / quick suggestion
« on: January 23, 2010, 02:45:29 am »
Hi all, I think we should make a sort of MSN thing on the website, Because there are many topics opened with questions wich you could answer in a minute (If you understand what I'm trying to say :O)

like forums.worldofstunt.com/section/chat

I know there is already WoS live but that (...)

Suggestions Archive / Another Suggestion
« on: January 22, 2010, 07:12:31 am »
Hi all, I think that the ban-screen must be adjusted(If you understand)
Because much new people dont know how to make a ban appeal.
so this is my suggestion:

old ban screen:[nickname]was banned by administrator[admin] reason:[reason]

I think it sould be:

[nickname]was banned by administrator[admin] reason:[reason]
If you wish to make an appeal go to forums.worldofstunt.com then select ban appeal.

Ban Appeal. / my second ban appeal in 1 week?
« on: January 21, 2010, 08:22:13 am »
http://forums.worldofstunt.com/9/found-a-thing/ this is the reason

Admin That Banned You:PaXoRSluT
Reason Given By Admin:bug abuse
Are You Sorry:yes!!
Will you read and accept /rules?:yes!!
Extra Info:
The reason is in the link, Ive tried it out too see if it really works, it was our terrytory and i Didnt know I was bug abusing... Im very sorry and I wont do it again...

Other Problems / found a SERIOUS SW bug, admino fix it please!
« on: January 21, 2010, 08:17:36 am »
I found something in the SW, when you leave the SW and then do **** in the marker, when u *****then, you press *** and you will be transported to the marker! Can this be fixed? I tryed it out, (not to win becuase we have enough terrytories and that was already ours) Could this be fixed?

Ban Appeal. / unban me i did nothing
« on: January 20, 2010, 08:52:58 am »
Admin That Banned You:sounderr
Reason Given By Admin:admin desicion involving or something
Are You Sorry:yes!
Will you read and accept /rules?:yes!
Extra Info:
well, someone got banned from flaming to an admin and I sayd, why does a flamer get kicked and a someone who flames to an admin get banned! I think that I was banned wrong and sounderr was also flaming at me :angry: :angry:

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