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Messages - Zencal

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 28
Other Problems / Re: Kicked?
« on: December 19, 2010, 07:17:24 pm »
It is exactly as P1nts said, please refrain from repeating it again

Other Problems / Re: GTA Sucks
« on: December 11, 2010, 01:58:08 pm »

I was working on a duo wit MgDawg, and I was bored and took a break from stunting for a bit

Went to tune a random car, alt tabbed and then i go back, lagged shit

Tried 20 times by now. I go on GTA SA, i leave my house than lag out

edit: k since no1 can think of anything, im gonna leave lol

Ignoring all the spamming of the old meme, this may sound a little stupid, but have you restarted your PC at any point between attempts?

Everything and Anything / Re: Post a picture of your favourite City
« on: December 03, 2010, 04:45:04 pm »
Some photos of the city I live in now. (Different to my last post, I used to live in a town) I took them to show friends the snow, but they'll do. These are from a field just outside where I live.

You can barely see it, but the football stadium is in the background here.

Here is a photo I took from the web of the river.

Forum Upgrades / Re: World of stunting back-online
« on: November 18, 2010, 02:33:09 pm »
Nice, but tbh I hate the forums theme.
And also this are the old backups lol
I still have my old sig and WOOT 634 posts instead of 1012

Good thing that post count doesn't matter then isn't it?

Good to see that everything is back online.

Ban Appeal. / Re: Ban Appeal (FiZZy)
« on: June 25, 2010, 08:34:44 am »
Hi Fizzy,
It's obvious that this was a simple mistake on your part and i'm sure you'll learn from it. I've unbanned you.

Have fun.

Everything and Anything / Re: Take a picture of your desktop
« on: June 22, 2010, 02:45:15 pm »
What a weird backround :O

What's weird about it? It's a drawn image of some soldiers D:

Everything and Anything / Re: Take a picture of your desktop
« on: June 22, 2010, 01:39:54 pm »

My latest wallpaper, I need a new one already, i've been using this for awhile.

Everything and Anything / Re: Little Help :D
« on: June 14, 2010, 03:33:17 pm »
Go for it, i'm game.

Everything and Anything / Re: Take a picture of your desktop
« on: May 10, 2010, 12:26:36 pm »
Wow Zenc :)
Do cartoon women turn you on or something? :O

Naw, I change my desktop all the time and it's normally real people, but most of the images wouldn't be suitable for this forum

Everything and Anything / Re: Take a picture of your desktop
« on: May 09, 2010, 10:15:01 am »
Time for a bump.

Changed my desktop up a bit, still keeping it clean. I quite like having everything on the right hand side, it allows me to make use of all of the larger screen when watching anime or surfing the web

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