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Topics - Zencal

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Everything and Anything / Wallpaper
« on: August 15, 2009, 08:52:25 am »
Well, I know that most of you probably want nothing to do with Anime, but i'd like you guys to look past the character that is in the wallpaper and give me some feedback on the rest of the wallpaper, such as the effects. I've uploaded a few different sizes so that you can have a look in a similar resolution to your own.

I set the images to interlaced so they may look of a terrible quality until they have finished loading.


Everything and Anything / Few new sigs
« on: July 12, 2009, 01:56:00 am »
Well being as everyone was showign off new sigs, I decided to make a couple and to try a few different styles that are enw to me. I'm not really sure how they turned out. I'd like you all to comment on them, say what's good, what's bad and to say which one you prefer.

With this one I tried to mix a minimalistic style with my own style. I tried to show the power of Altair by using the background. This is probably my favourite out of the three.

With this sig I was trying to make it seem as though the soldier was rushing into a battle with explosions going off.

This one was my first of the day and probably my least favourite of the three. I tried to show that soldiers have no fear and that they fight for what is right. I'll probably remake this one soon as I feel that the background is too bland with nothing going on.

Everything and Anything / Single Player suggestions [PC]
« on: June 11, 2009, 10:40:05 am »
Alright guys, I don't tend to ask for opinions on forums because it tends to get ugly, but I am looking for a good single player experience to play on my PC and I would like to know what you all suggest. Here is some insight into games I like, already own and dislike. I'm currently trying out Dead Space.

Call Of Duty 4 (loved it)
Call Of Duty: WaW (didn't like the single player)
Crysis Warhead (I didn't really enjoy this one, couldn't really get into it)
Red Faction Guerilla (Playing currently on 360, love it)
Oblivion (loved it)
Fallout 3 (loved it)
Command & Conquer series (love them all)
Gears of War series (Good games)
Half Life 2 (Not bad, don't see what all of the fuss is about)
Portal (Great fun)
Far Cry 2 (Good)
Bioshock (Amazing game, loved every second)
The Settlers 6 & Expansion (Good fun)
Age Of Empires 3 (didn't like the older ones)
Mirror's Edge (Good and innovative although too short)
Left 4 Dead (Loved it)
GTA San Andreas (Brilliant)

Ok, I probably went into too much detail there, but those are some of the games I liked and disliked. I'd love to hear some of your suggestions.

Everything and Anything / Modern Warfare 2 trailer
« on: May 25, 2009, 10:22:37 am »
So, has anybody else seen this trailer yet? It looks really good. From what I saw i'm guessing that there will be an airport level, a plane graveyard level, a level in rio and finally a level in russia. I love the story that the game is telling, and the gameplay looks insane.

Modern Warfare 2 Official Trailer uncut

Everything and Anything / First sig since september-ish
« on: May 09, 2009, 06:13:13 am »

I was just wondering what you guys thought of it. Please give constructive criticism it rather then just "It's shit" or "It's good!"

For example, say what you like about it, what you don't like, and what you think I could add to it.

Videos And Screenshots / From December 07 but...
« on: October 26, 2008, 05:54:26 am »
Well, there aen't many bike stunting videos down here so I figured i'd post mine and torins (Most of you don't know him) stunt video from December 07, so some of the stunts are just shitty filler, but yah.

Introduce Yourself / I be old school.
« on: September 17, 2008, 02:56:36 pm »
Well, I just realised that I don't have one of these. PHAIL. Well yeah, I'm old school. I've been around since just before SAMP 0.2 got released. I got promoted for being l33t not too long after, so I've been an admin the majority of the time. Me and admino haven't been without our arguments, but it's always fixed in the end. I've been away from WoS alot, on 360, and actually having a life surprise surprise.

Any questions? Ask away

Modding / Bioshock sig -WIP-
« on: August 18, 2008, 02:20:13 am »
Hey guys, I'm trying to make myself a nice Bioshock sig, with a big daddy as the render. My overall idea so far, was that I could almost replicate water crashing down onto the big daddy and spraying out at his feet. I seem to have got that so far, but I have no clue what to do with the background, or how to improve it even more. Any help? =]

General / Going on holiday for 2 weeks
« on: July 17, 2008, 03:18:41 am »
Well, I know that i'm not on at the moment really, but i'm going on holiday for two weeks, then after that if I see admino on then I will try and come on a bit to help out the admins. Cya then guys

Modding / Two recent signatues
« on: July 09, 2008, 05:50:42 am »
Well, I've made two signatures recently and figured I would get some feedback.

This one I made a couple of weeks ago...

And this one I made just five minutes ago.

Edit: This is a couple of hours later but oh well. I just finished this for a friend.

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