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Messages - ZealousR

Pages: 1 ... 73 74 [75] 76 77
Modding / Re: Stumpy500
« on: February 19, 2010, 10:03:40 pm »
But on my first skin i actually worked on it from scratch :( no net pics. still nice work stumps especially for a first one. Though your kinda raising a high bar by using ms paint. All the same, good job. [THUP]

Modding / Re: Valentines day. Made for the Ladies of WoS :P
« on: February 19, 2010, 02:23:07 pm »
Riki's on the move

Humor / Re: The reason girls are rare on the internet
« on: February 18, 2010, 07:08:52 pm »
it..makes sense..wow what next on the checklist hm -> ah yes " why can we not help laughing at rage videos" then "why is john Travolta bald now" maybe life will never know. nice find tho zenc heh

Humor / Re: Funny Picture Topic
« on: February 18, 2010, 07:03:40 pm »
actually 50 - 50 between scary and disturbing. i like the first one lol "indeed +1"

Introduce Yourself / Re: Yeah....
« on: February 18, 2010, 06:59:40 pm »
whats new stuntsu...had to say it -.- lol hope to be good friends and it sounds  like u already enjoy the server, guess we'l c u on. btw do i detect pulp is drinking haterade 0.0 lol:p

Modding / Re: Sniffs Explosions :O
« on: February 18, 2010, 06:54:54 pm »
WOW explosions, if we can get a Bruce Willis mod we can practically make another die hard movie, or a good 24 episode :p lol

Modding / Re: STORE, come ;)
« on: February 18, 2010, 06:50:25 pm »
hmm Raising impressive you might peak my interests and make me have to actually skin again XP nice store tho if demands run high il help, till then keep it up.

Modding / Re: Skin request. :)
« on: February 18, 2010, 06:47:26 pm »
i usually skin bikes but i will get working on cars as soon as i get the hang of it its all yours

Modding / Re: My first edited sig, and I'm making more
« on: February 18, 2010, 06:44:34 pm »
very nice i hope this will only be the first of more to come :)

Server Updates / Re: Moderator recruitment
« on: February 18, 2010, 05:54:59 pm »
Name:Zealousr (Alec, Kigera)
Location:United States [Missouri]
The board you want to moderate:any, I would favor modding if anything.
Why you would make a good moderator:I check the forums everyday, i may not post as much but i do know/see a lot of posts, i know previous hackers to watch for, iv seen admins deal with hackers, flooders, flamers, spammers advertising, and other disturbances.
Extra information:My brother is an admin and iv experienced the way to identify people who have ban evaded, and topics/comments that are irrelevant to to the sections the have been placed into. Also if i cannot get a hold of another admin, Rikimaru (my brother) is a sure admin i can contact.

Do you have clear knowledge of the rules: yes
Do you have clear knowledge of the Terms of Service:yes

Keeping in mind that there's a warn system, answer the following

What would you do if someone spammed porn:get rid of the link, censor the contents of the topic, give one warning. if the first warning was ignored or if he did it again i would tell him his topics will be continually deleted if he would not stop and i would try to talk to an admin to keep watch on him on the server.

What would you do if someone posted 1 word responses to everything: I would ask the person to stop wasting room on the forum, if he does not stop i will inform him that i will delete his posts/reply until there are more words in his responses.
What would you do if someone posted links to hacks: Get rid of the link, delete the post, i will try and contact an admin or ask my brother to contact other admins to watch out for that person as a hacker.

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