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Messages - ZealousR

Pages: 1 ... 56 57 [58] 59 60 ... 77
Suggestions Archive / Re: Apartments!
« on: April 03, 2010, 09:24:26 pm »
why is that zealous?? why till june?

 im guessing that is when the house things will be updated as well as accepted house suggestions, and with all the ones constantly being made thered be too much to update.

General / Re: WOD CLAN!!
« on: April 03, 2010, 09:21:01 pm »
hahah man i pwn at drifts but its only a pastime like a few people i know who have undiscovered drifting. like floryn when i was hanging with him he drifted smoothly.

your gang sounds cute but having 2 names like [wod] at the end of my name would make me feel foolish.

and your gang name should have "decimator(s)" in it thatd be cool.

Suggestions Archive / Re: Apartments!
« on: April 03, 2010, 09:11:43 pm »
he's right kiddo, refrain from the one word replies. um the apartment thing kinda sounds like an original idea. and um we are not supposed to post anymore house suggestions until june

Modding / Re: My new mods
« on: April 03, 2010, 12:10:35 pm »

Milo34 made that infernus

yea that looks like milo's work

Everything and Anything / Re: Signatures 4 Free
« on: April 03, 2010, 12:09:14 pm »
why was this moved to modding this belongs to everything and anything, or videos and screenshot.
dont matter tho il keep it unless u want me to move it fizz

Suggestions Archive / What next 0.0??
« on: April 03, 2010, 11:57:03 am »
Ok we've all heard of mario party if not, idk then thats not a good sign, but in mario party theres the whole bust a blocky thing and count your steps and hop around. then after 4 or so turns theres the random game. i think the server should have that, every 5 or 10 minutes there would be the    "a game has be started /joingame to enter" and a random minigame could be started, winner i guess. Minigames can include

If not all minigames will be added then these are suggestions for some that can be.

- Jack the faggot mower - $3000

- Sprint - (normal race, bikes can be used at your own risk, cars can have nos, no planes)- $1000

- Mini cop and robber game - like deathmath but one person is in a car, weapons are disabled/cargod, all other people are cops in cop cars chasing the one person. They must try to blow the one person - flipping and damaging his car - and if the person gets out he will get ran over. the game goes on till the robber dies by any means - $5000

- Hide and seek
- One person is spawned one place in SA the seekers get a glimpse of his location, like at the end of deathmatch when the winner is shown, and the first one to find him wins. The seeker must kill him to win, the hider cannot carry a weapon but can run until he is dead, after like 5 mins the reward goes down a bit. Original reward = $5000, reduced (after set time limit = $2500

- Human Hunter - like Hide and seek but there is one hunter and all other hiders, hunter has a rifle, or sniper, and the hiders must get away by any means, the hunter has the map at all times and can tell their location constantly. After 10 or so minutes it switches around to the regular hide and seek (described above) = $2000 per kill

- Guardian - Like GoW2 there is 2 teams and 1 leader on each team. its like dm, people can spawn over and over and keep shooting but when their leader dies they cannot spawn any longer, and it is up to the last remaining to kill the other leader and rest of enemies. = $5000

- Guardian 2
- Boxed location, like a gang war, there are 1 snipers in a building in each team has their own randomly picked sniper. the two teams attack each other, the snipes shoot and kill the other team members the tean with the most kills win. the team and snipe has separate kills counted but they are still the same team. team = $3000. Sniper = $500 per kill.

- Maze - Like Brendon's brother Spence suggested of a Hay maze, there was also the problem that people could knock the hay down, so in addition to that idea there was a thought of instead of hay maze there could be another boxed location, but in the form of a maze. and somewhere in that maze there could be a gun, 1 gun, (because people might have a bit of fun dming) once someone has found the gun a countdown of two minutes begins, the game would then go into a "Human hunter" kind of feel. The hunted must run through out the maze until the two minutes are up trying to get away from the gunner. BUT the gunner automatically has /drunklvl 99999 enabled gunner = $1000 + $500 per kill. Maze survivors = $1000

- No it's a trap! - 10 infernus' one is rigged with a bomb pick one out the ten cars, you can get in the car with a buddy but if the car is rigged you go down with them. SIDE NOTE - another person has a satchel charge, BEFORE the game starts, picks the car then the people are released to pick they're car and after everyone has entered he/she blows the satchel. survivors = $1000 bomber = $1000

- Death Race - One car is rigged with 8 ball bomb shop bomb, and as you know 8 balls car bombs blow up if the carr gets too damaged, one person on one team is picked to drive the car, opponents try to damage the car, and like in nfs carbon, teammates protect the car, the car will be driven to a set location and must get there alive.    Driver = $4000 (because he has the extra risk of being blamed if he fails) teammates = $3000. Destroyers (opposing team) = 2500. Main destroyer (the person who personally blew the car up) = $3500 
That is all the games i can think of for now

Suggestions Archive / Re: Gang Suggestion
« on: April 03, 2010, 11:20:52 am »
God rishi many MANY people have suggested this "theres a read before you post" sticky topic posted at the top of the page.

so basically your talking about "deathmatch wars" i can see in the future some questions might involve

- would the turf gained be the same turf lost in stunt war?
- how will this variate turf war and stunt war time?

I would not promote this mostly because in deathmatch itself theres nobody really there when i actually play mostly like one or two people going around shooting. at walls,  add more details to it, it might sound better if there was more added.

Other Problems / Re: Stop posting house topics
« on: April 03, 2010, 11:07:47 am »

Suggestions Archive / Re: More jobs!
« on: April 03, 2010, 07:41:02 am »
thats like being in a courier job, isn't there something like that?

More jobs arent needed better/more currency is needed.

What if the job is continuous to where every time u got to a certain location it adds by 100

Example: Stop 7 - 1300, Stop 8 - 1400, etc, etc

Suggestions Archive / Re: Parkour - Ultimate Freerunnign Experience
« on: April 03, 2010, 07:36:44 am »
What exactly is parkour, and didn't admino/helpbot say he's not accepting custom made maps for WoS?

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