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Messages - ZealousR

Pages: 1 ... 44 45 [46] 47 48 ... 77
General / Re: Ecleptic Change
« on: April 26, 2010, 11:49:39 am »
why should i? wouldn't that only waste my time?

Modding / Re: Enb Series a little better
« on: April 26, 2010, 09:39:40 am »
ah yes riki showed me something like this. i was impressed

General / Re: Challenge - FiZZy
« on: April 26, 2010, 09:11:04 am »
lol yea im a very cool person if you know me  :ph34r:
hm ok i think i can find judges

i would prepare if i was you, though you seem so sure to win its your choice cupcake  :mellow:

General / Re: Challenge - FiZZy
« on: April 26, 2010, 06:47:55 am »
Alright princess how bout...3 rounds. we'll make 3 new topics for each round so they're can be a poll for voting, the admins can choose whether to delete them after the challenge or to keep them, their choice. there will be 3 types of rounds, explained bellow.


1. no one can help you actually do ANYTHING with the picture or whatever you are editing, designing, creating whatever.

2. You may use whatever editor you choose but if it interferes with you meeting the challenge by the deadline that is by your own fault.

3. if school, work or a schedule is hard to maintain with this challenge an extension may be asked for BUT it has to be asked for before 3 days of the deadline.

4.there is no amount that you need to edit a picture example: you get a picture from Google you add..a sticky note somewhere on it and you post it. that is not against the rules it'l just look crappy.

5. if you take an already made picture, like past made wallpapers whether they look good or not you will be judged on the editing you did to that picture. Example: someone took a wallpaper that pulp made  and added a dot. you will only be judged for that little dot.

6.any resource is acceptable, google, youtube, whatever you may want to get tips, even the shoutbox.

Though i do trust my fellow friends at WoS i prefer having judges so favoritism is majored in the judging. we will pick three available, trustful judges (admins are trusted but we will also consider everybody). we will also set up a poll to see what the people also like.

Round 1 - normal picture edit. just get a picture and edit it.
Round 2 - a certain person will post a picture, we will  edit it. plain and simple.
Round 3 - Freestyle, no editing, make your own custom graphix the rules heavily apply on this one but your schock factor is what you want to pull of on this one.

i don't know what you mean by
Ur going to make me little, ofc u do u think ur better.
but i really don't think im better, i would in fact doubt it, i just want a practice test before the actual competition. 

And That's it princess, any adjustments?

General / Re: Ecleptic Change
« on: April 26, 2010, 06:13:47 am »
hahah man you are one fiesty little girl just sharing that in all i used two brushes. but il share my steps

the  top - phantom brush                                       STEPS

 the bottom - the flames, i used the circle brush, then i blurred it a bit (making it look like flames), then i merged it to the background layer, then i put the flames into -alpha to selection- after that i adjusted the color balance of the flames into midtones - 100 cyan, 35  green, and -35 for yellow. then shadow - 100 cyan, 35 green, -35 yellow, and then for highlights 100 cyan, 0 green, -100 yellow. after this i went to brightness and contrasts, set the contrast up a bit (can't remember exactly how much :) lol) then i set the lightness a bit as well to make it light enough to see but dark enough to look fiery.

Text - for the text i picked a font then i picked a random color, then i went to..i think it was render, i always know where it is but not the name of it. anyway um i used illusion on the text to make it a bit faded i changed the text color to green. i put the text into -alpha to selection- then i placed a gradient flare flash in the middle of the text. so what you see in the middle of murat in the text is actually a flare which is why it looks white and right next to it is a bit of yellow.

Font - A Lolita Scorned

Sig Size - i was originally told the sig sizes were 640x269 BUT that was awhile ago when we had a different theme. so you probably right about the size.

well thats it for these steps it took like 5 layers to make these in all but it wasn't to hard the flames were a new thing for me, if needed i will share my steps for all my other sigs or wallpapers. and yessss i use gimp like nubie..even though i didn't know he used gimp. :)

General / Re: [SA]Immoral - Collab Sign-up's.
« on: April 25, 2010, 07:49:48 pm »
ok, might be fun. if it pulls off your the first to have me in their colab.

lol not like its an honor or something but i can bet there will be epicness

General / Challenge - FiZZy
« on: April 25, 2010, 06:18:40 pm »
well not too long ago in my topic fizzy asked if i wanted to challenge

So Zealos u want a designing battle with me ?
Then say ;D

and now im proud to say im bored, my SA (thx to riki :D) just started working but..i still have the need to have some sort of excitement other than stunting so..i issue fizzy a "designing battle". some people already know we are in the upcoming league so we will probably face each other anyway so this will be a pre- prelim round so to speak.

so anyway if you accept this battle then say so, soon, i don't feel like waiting, unless your nervous ofc

General / Re: [SA]Immoral - Collab Sign-up's.
« on: April 25, 2010, 05:37:33 pm »
i was gonna join but nvm now >.>

good luck tho, like youl need it =D

General / Re: Ecleptic Change
« on: April 25, 2010, 01:03:19 pm »
here you go mura, it'l probably look a bit wierd because originally it was 290x290 so converting it to the original size of a sig makes it look a tiny bit stretched.

Videos And Screenshots / Re: How much tries did it take for you?
« on: April 25, 2010, 08:28:38 am »
what the hell are you people looking at

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