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Messages - ZealousR

Pages: 1 ... 41 42 [43] 44 45 ... 77
Everything and Anything / Re: Post your pet!
« on: May 01, 2010, 06:50:22 am »
sniffs sorry to break it to you...boxers are the best kind of dogs...srry :(

General / Re: [SA]Immoral - Collab Sign-up's.
« on: May 01, 2010, 06:41:35 am »
replay is like <1mb, and fraps format is like 300mb>. :/.

yea i know :l but i've been used to fraps and i find it alot cleaner and better since its in wmv format but o well il use replay

Videos And Screenshots / Re: Zealous vs. FiZZy
« on: April 30, 2010, 06:28:52 pm »
ok fine you guys want something simple? here simple and easy. less than 5 minutes.

Everything and Anything / Re: Post your pet!
« on: April 30, 2010, 05:56:08 pm »
omg i used to have a really strong buff-like cat. he ran away tho..left me emotionally empty. lol but no really i miss him. il try and post me and riki's current cat :)

General / Re: Graphix League
« on: April 30, 2010, 05:09:08 pm »
prod* When is the deadline?

EDIT: Also, if the image is passed onto you, you can do anything to it, correct? As in, you could remove parts that another member of the "team" has added?

. i had lost connection before i could edit it the deadline. Yes you can erase or edit over or erase what the other members have done. it is up to you to decide if it is best for you and your team or not.

Umm I was wondering, can we use samples of others pictures in the editing of the picture? Like snow, rain, bullet holes ect?

yes you can edit the picture in ANY WAY. from adding pictures to completely distorting it to the point where you can't tell what it looks like.

General / Graphix League
« on: April 30, 2010, 11:02:20 am »

1. no one can help you actually do ANYTHING with the picture or whatever you are editing, designing, creating whatever.

2. You may use whatever editor you choose but if it interferes with you meeting the challenge by the deadline that is by your own fault.

3. if school, work or a schedule is hard to maintain with this challenge an extension may be asked for BUT it has to be asked for before 3 days of the deadline.

4.there is no amount that you need to edit a picture example: you get a picture from Google you add..a sticky note somewhere on it and you post it. that is not against the rules it'l just look crappy.

5. if you take an already made picture, like past made wallpapers whether they look good or not you will be judged on the editing you did to that picture. Example: someone took a wallpaper that pulp made  and added a dot. you will only be judged for that little dot.

6.any resource is acceptable, google, youtube, whatever you may want to get tips, even the shoutbox.

The way this has been decided is a bit unique. There are two teams

Team 1 - Zealousr                                             Team 2 - Zencal
               DJPulp                                                               Rikimaru
               NubieGTAS                                                        FiZZy
               Gangester[SX]                                                  Rishi

The teams will be assigned different conditions which will be named later on. after the conditions are met the team with a losing picture (decided by judges) will have to decide the weakest of their members to be eliminated. More information shall be explained from then.

Round 1 -  every member of both teams will have to edit this picture.

every member must have some part of editing the picture.
EXAMPLE: person 1 edits the picture, he/she will pass on the edited picture, not original, edited to the next person of their choice. person 2 edits the picture the way they want it saves it. and sends it to the next person.

i would suggest teamwork. communication is favored for the team to work well.  at LEAST two members must edit the picture for this round

After that the judges shall decide


and the losing team must choose to eliminate their least beneficial member of their team. further instructions shall be told later on. Please do not insult or argue with the judges, it is their decision for what they like. they have not been picked because they would know all about editing but because their judgment is trusted.

May 15

Good Luck

Everything and Anything / Re: Favorite Game Quotes
« on: April 30, 2010, 10:36:51 am »
Are those real? Shit!

yup i can make epic quotes like those cuza that game :P PoP ROX XD

General / Re: Collab Sign Up's.
« on: April 30, 2010, 10:34:54 am »
hm..i have immoral collab, Sl, GL. i'd like to join just cause its your collab but its all up to you.

Archive / Re: The Winner is...
« on: April 30, 2010, 07:57:27 am »
topic bumping isn't against the ToS. and i think this is here to partly honor our last winner. congratulations.

Videos And Screenshots / Re: I was shocked
« on: April 29, 2010, 11:06:53 am »

dave Chapelle - Get them niggers, they was beating on my truck

He said he divorced his wife. Why?, Because she was a nigger lover.

Omg who gets this amazing reference from the funniest show evar XD

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