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Messages - ZealousR

Pages: 1 ... 37 38 [39] 40 41 ... 77
Videos And Screenshots / Re: efaco5 left :'(
« on: May 13, 2010, 03:06:23 pm »
You're taking this way too seriously. If you continue taking this seriously I will be forced to troll you so that I may get a few laughs out of this topic.

i'm not taking this seriously if you couldn't tell nubsie was about to start arguing with you.

besides i have fun with troll attempts which will epicly fail

Everything and Anything / Note to Self
« on: May 12, 2010, 07:27:41 pm »
Weird Little thing that you can think of, I'll start

Note to self: Nobody wins in a headbutt

Note to self: Telling a girl "you have a good face" will NOT get you a date

Note to self: go to grandma for cash

Note to self: Testing the joke "What did happened when the boy threw butter out the window? He made butterfly." Will not work as a magic trick to your mom.

Note to self: got milk?

Note to self: make santy clause cookies.

Note to self: kwit phailing in-glish klass

Your Turn :)

Suggestions Archive / Re: House suggestion
« on: May 12, 2010, 05:37:27 pm »
House Decorations?

Sounds a bit complicated, but i would focus on how almost all SA houses look like 4 basins house models on the inside?
But that isn't the point. As I've said before I'm not one for houses so it would depend on what you are asking for. which types of furniture? can they be manually moved?

On that are the house looks' already planned? like are the furniture's spots already made and you can pick which based plan of look you want?

I think you should add more detail on this.

P.S. There are no more house suggestions until June

Videos And Screenshots / Re: efaco5 left :'(
« on: May 12, 2010, 05:24:27 pm »
stumpy be quiet.

Basics: nobody really knows this person but apparently people who did had a hype about him, not knowing the most enthusiastic PC person doesn't make you a loser, i doubt i still care that he left.

Facts: He obviously did something to gain some recognition but nowhere close to say..Ray william johnson. He's done making videos or whatever this topic is about so lets just sum this up to great guy for some reason and now his saga is over

End: Now here comes the best part if you don't know this guy lets act saddened by his leaving and also act like we care that way nobody is insulted and nobody starts an argument.

Suggestions Archive / Re: Forum
« on: May 11, 2010, 03:39:23 pm »
Wrong way around, I picked 64 and the number was 63.... I always pick 64 and I've won it like 4/5 times.

sorry heh it was fuzzy in mai memory :)

Suggestions Archive / Re: Fireworks :D
« on: May 11, 2010, 03:37:29 pm »
maayyybbeee say um if something like the grav day event is on then that would work better not a constant free- thingy

Humor / Re: The real community of CoD Members?
« on: May 10, 2010, 08:34:18 pm »
lol rishi you post the boringest stuff. but heres a quick lesson of the REAL shooters gaming life.

Ninja games
Tenchu - Now overtaken by Splinter Cell Conviction
Splinter Cell: Conviction (currently best game evah)

Shooters food chain -

Splinter Cell: Conviction (still part shooter and still  best game evah)

Gears Series - current great shooter in line with halo, now coming out with 3rd game soon. (check out da preview)

Halo Series - Current great shooter in line with gears series, soon coming out with halo reach

CoD - Game that holds nothing to any of the other games above not by effects and gameplay in MY opinion (which is right..cuz im god)

Other good realising game -
Skate 3

Yeah..this is pretty accurate video just had to add some details mah boy  :D

Humor / Re: Top 10 Fail Pictures XD
« on: May 10, 2010, 08:27:46 pm »
I think it is, because that dude is gaming, and he says like: NOOOOO, and that 2 others are kissing :P.

I think ^^

=D i can see that as a fail, i thought it'd be more like if she was his gf kissing his brother or along those lines lol :)

Suggestions Archive / Re: Forum
« on: May 10, 2010, 08:18:18 pm »
How do you know that nubs? 0.0 wow. btw
Technically on topic conv

Brendy: Fuck

Zeal: What?

Brendy: The lottery was 64

Zeal: what'd you pick?

Brendy: 63

lol i thought that close attempt from my good friend brendy would show how close these chances escape..and it was funny...

Suggestions Archive / Re: Forum
« on: May 10, 2010, 03:57:13 pm »
Off topic -
There is way more than 4 people...
Ive won the lottery, and Shabz claims hes won it like 5 times :)

do you really takes babz words seriously? :D but i really don't know how many people who've won so lol if you get a bit of pleasure from naming 4 people who have then thats damn great son, damn great :p

On topic - ok since i can already tell no one renders the other two (yet) then on the vip thing there should be more of a background from them. for example it should have a bit of info from the forums like capo or whatever their status is, along with their /hates and /loves

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