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Messages - ZealousR

Pages: 1 ... 35 36 [37] 38 39 ... 77
General / Re: Stuntwar prankz.
« on: May 19, 2010, 11:27:14 am »
Hopefully you shut up now, 'coz your faking this whole shit up okay? NOT EVERYBODY LIKES IT, ITS THEIR OWN TASTE YOU NOOB -.-. SRSLY, I bet for 100 euro that I'm even more mature then your shit can be.

tsk tsk my little buddy you fail to see its the third time iv already mentioned that.

other than the fact that you don't know me and i'd rather not waste time proving how mature i am to some kid on the internet, i still haven't gotten those 5 tiny reasons.

Everything and Anything / Question
« on: May 19, 2010, 11:21:50 am »
Is your lovable buddy zeal a troll? =D

Suggestions Archive / Re: Forum
« on: May 19, 2010, 11:18:21 am »
no lol this topic shouldn't be locked cause it's not understood :)

basically it's saying people in the past who have won should gain more recognition

General / Re: Stuntwar prankz.
« on: May 19, 2010, 09:42:20 am »
i wanted to see how far you could get besides i AM that mature unlike you i know how to be professional if needed.

 at that i'm not the one who needs to work on being normal. all this is on-topic kid: im reviewing how big of an idiot this makes you seem.

btw if your attention span failed you i mentioned i dont care what you do i just only wanted 5 reasons. idiot.

General / Re: Stuntwar prankz.
« on: May 18, 2010, 07:52:57 pm »
Tough guys on the internet, huh ?
10 years old scared kids irl?
And if I were you I would stop watching that fake wrestling or what ever .. it's affecting your life in a negative way.
And btw, you just asked to get pranked by telling him to NOT prank you. So you're crying for attention...



Yea. =]. Crying for attention, and @Rishi, first you said Nice Picture, and then you say its not funny after all >_>?

And maybe OTHER people think its funny. You ain't the whole world lol

alright robin ignorance is obviously bliss to you because clearly i said i think they are childish, not ten year old because well..i know some pretty mature ones who don't waste time making gangs they won't commit to.a and at that the 2nd majorly ignorant part is the fact that it's what me and sniffs were talking about

lol robin there is a huge flaw in what you said to rishi but let's just leave that out.

Now this part NOW i am starting to doubt the common sense part necessarily because i mean pfft let's just count the odds =D

 - waste of time. that much more work to look for a gang on forums. i have yet to find a part of this that contained brain cells. people get banned for stuff like this, or name impersonations. crudely pathetic humor ( in my thoughts). immaturity. too much time on people wait maybe this is better than some other approaches of boredom lol.
 no common sense, ridiculous, bad first impressions (for whoever sees on my view) BUT before i go on and lose your attention span just tell me this.

In which way does this benefit? i just want 5 good reasons why this is making a fool of WoS. i mean i sure as hell don't wanna be grouped with you (at least this part of you..) when theres new players of people who have been referred.  i don't care if you continue this but i just want to know why at first sight WoS is a place for wasting the space.

This is personally for me, my view of this. i'm not surprised if admins or whoever flames me but it still makes it look like this isn't a rule abiding place. if you've gotten this far by now then tell me what the 5 reasons are that benefit from making these gangs.

General / Re: Happy Birthday Saniix!
« on: May 18, 2010, 07:17:42 pm »
straight up brown nosing. happy birthday though bro have a good one

Videos And Screenshots / Re: Edit Test
« on: May 17, 2010, 04:48:41 pm »
...10 bucks i can pwn pulp in an edit contest... 0.0

Suggestions Archive / Re: Forum
« on: May 17, 2010, 04:46:17 pm »
Was there actually any need for that post? -.-

wow lol rishi being there when sniffs won something big again? 0.0

Suggestions Archive / Re: Forum Suggestion
« on: May 17, 2010, 04:41:02 pm »
ugh ok my post got deleted i think cause i lost connection but here

I like this suggestions on certain parts. the moderators should get their own colors, maybe get to pick idk/idc but maybe it should be in their own sections, and in other sections it should be a normal color like everybody else. this kinda fits into the other part of this.

On the "non-admins should have their own colors" i would say no to that mostly because it kind of sounds a little more complicated than just leaving it be and at that its all color coded for a reason right?

Videos And Screenshots / Re: Zealous vs. FiZZy
« on: May 17, 2010, 01:52:14 pm »
thanks sniffs :D

Pages: 1 ... 35 36 [37] 38 39 ... 77