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Messages - ZealousR

Pages: 1 ... 28 29 [30] 31 32 ... 77
ok well nubie is a perfect example of one of the gay guys that guy can end up with :D

Archive / Re: zealousR versus alpha500delta
« on: May 30, 2010, 02:43:04 pm »
Graphics look ALOT lower than they are supposed to

WoS SL Round 1 - ZealousR vs AlphaDelta500


the edit was quick but you have to listen to the music to get it altogether.


guys guys cmon let's show some sympathy, this guys is obviously upset because the only seeming speckle of friends evar in his life was on this awesome server..but now he's banned..and has no friends.

so how bout this..someone please give him a link to a guy to guy dating site so someday he can find someone to get a hug from. he's obviously gay, so i think this is the best step for him.

on the plus proves he had no life but to make a giant middle finger for trading in his porn time.
creative though.

oh i bet his ours of porn time would show he's good at drawing his boyfrie..girlrie..paren..lotion bottle would be proud..Right?

Humor / Re: worlds funniest jokes XD
« on: May 30, 2010, 01:01:52 pm »
omg nubie that is gold [THUP]

damn it. i had ten bucks bet that sniffs was a lez and someday me and riki would have nothing to do, and drive ALL the way to whales, find sniffs with her gf, hang out for exactly 0 hours, 13 minutes, and 72 seconds, then i would tell riki to get us tacos and me sniffs and her girlfriend would have a 3 some while riki is stuck in traffic.

but now i just lost ten bucks. :l

Archive / Re: Hurricane versus electric
« on: May 30, 2010, 12:50:48 pm »

Videos And Screenshots / Re: Let's Spice Things Up Shall We?
« on: May 30, 2010, 12:19:46 pm »
i personally would prefer not having the requirements of doing things on the server but i can tell why you would want that.

Videos And Screenshots / Re: 2newvids
« on: May 30, 2010, 12:17:33 pm »
lol you epic bastard living up to your name..jerk :p

nice vids specially solo

Suggestions Archive / Re: Suggestion by me.
« on: May 30, 2010, 11:41:36 am »
lol old here is about i think 8-12 months :p

Suggestions Archive / Re: Suggestion by me.
« on: May 29, 2010, 01:22:50 pm »
For god sakes , stop repeating whats said in previous posts you damn postwhore

lol i know right. but i think observador is new. so give him a break

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