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Messages - ZealousR

Pages: 1 ... 27 28 [29] 30 31 ... 77
« on: June 01, 2010, 12:20:07 pm »
hey um i hope you see this in time but i was wondering since there is winners round for SL and now a losers round how about the winners and losers team up for the first loser round. i'l use first two i can think of.

Round 1 alpha vs zeal - zeal won
Round 1 electric vs hurricane - elec won

Losers round 1 - alpha AND zeal vs Hurri and elec

A.K.A zeal vs elec
        alpha vs hurri

Winner of duo challenge round 1

Loser stunter moves to Losers round two. and picks the challenge
SL stunter gets to pick the challenge for the round 2 of SL against opponent.

(if the winner of the duo loses their challenge i guess they get kicked from both SL and losers, idk :()
{if winner of duo wins then They get paired with A loser again vs both of their next opponents)

this is as much as i've gotten for now but i thought it would build a small "stunt relationship" bond or teamwork from more stunters and the variety of challenges that stunters can think of.

I was hoping to see if this will be decided before tomorrow (June 2, 2010) but if not it is just a suggestion.
i will answer questions if any but this is as simple as i can try to make it :) lol

Archive / Re: Round 1 Winners
« on: June 01, 2010, 12:05:24 pm »
heh I lost : ().

I am surprised i won but all the same it was fun and tense facing you in the first round. [THUP]

As a matter of fact if it wasn't for alpha I'm lucky he gave me a new player.img before the second round.
(forgot to back-up) so thanks alpha :)

Suggestions Archive / Re: Deathmatch warzone
« on: June 01, 2010, 12:00:54 pm »
i would also agree.

the deathmatching time and settings seems ok from how much i have checked it out.
maybe another suggestion would be more areas. but i would wait for updates for that as well.

Archive / Re: Round 1 Winners
« on: June 01, 2010, 12:12:29 am »
omg 0.0!

Suggestions Archive / Re: Suggestion by me.
« on: May 31, 2010, 12:02:45 pm »
Learn to understand quotes.
That quote wasnt for observador. it was to rishi.

listen boy, look around forums and see i am one person USUALLY NEVER gets quotes wrong, other than the fact that i know alot of these commands because i use quick reply means that some noob doesn't have the right to tell ME to learn to read quotes.

Got that?

and another note MY quote was supposed to be to be to rishi as well but i was in a hurry and dgas about it. k?

That means I'm an old player <3
sniffs you are pretty old :l lol

fullmetal you are now my son. i will take you under my wing and you shall squishy!! i will teach you in the ways of zeal.

:( ouch

screw you i still stand by my well made burn

Archive / Re: zealousR versus alpha500delta
« on: May 31, 2010, 09:41:36 am »
it WAS supposed to be a grind  but i wanted something that seemed a bit harder, i grinded it like 5x so i thought it was to easy, i almost psm'd to grind then i thought that was too easy then i tried did my entry and idk i liked it.

from what i can tell you've won so gj alpha [THUP]

EXTRA THOUGHT - offtopic but um did anybody see that i bumped the dumper AND the fence? lol jw

Archive / Re: zealousR versus alpha500delta
« on: May 30, 2010, 08:12:54 pm »
OR maybe consider that i had to start on the top of the naval base ( bout maybe a hundred feet up) measure my speed so i don't miss the dumper.

Angle the dumper's back just right so it aims me right ON the fence and NOT OVER it.

apart from the falling a hundred feet i had to angle MY BIKE perfectly so it doesn't stop on contact with the bumper        (test it, you will stop on contact if it isn't angled right)  then bump up just right to get over the fence.

then SOMEHOW switch my bike AROUND and fast enough to enable a reverse stoppie let along as long as i did -.-

The fun part of all this is it having to do all these in perfect sequence took me about say..a day of almost non-stop playing Minus, half a day of the memorial weekend party at the park.

thx for summing my hard work with
that was a stunt? A backward stopie :|?
i hope the judges analyze the full stunt better than you. jerk

pfft no way sniffs wants it >.>

just gotsa name the time :D

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