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Topics - ZealousR

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Everything and Anything / Whats the best food?
« on: March 17, 2010, 05:15:14 pm »
What is the best food created yet  -_-

Suggestions Archive / music section
« on: March 13, 2010, 11:41:21 pm »
A section for music. done. Ok let me clarify for who needs me to. Check i think worldof->Anything and Everything
And you will see 14 or so pages of a topic saying whats your favorite song or something, and a page gets added to it in 2 or 3 days. So why not just make a section for music so people can express their taste better, music is always going to be talked about anyway.

Everything and Anything / Cracked Beginning wallpaper
« on: March 13, 2010, 06:45:10 pm »
share your thoughts. i would also like to add -> please dont hold back on comments or criticism because to me its not an insult its more of a way to get better at it :) thx  Heres a better view of it.

Videos And Screenshots / nova sig
« on: March 12, 2010, 09:56:37 pm »
i was thinkin of concentrating a bit more on sigs so i might be making more like these if asked. i couldnt get bigger sizes so to see it better you should dl it then rate :D so whaddya think?

Alright so as you've seen me and riki have been going on n off about how he punched a kid in the face randomly. so heres a small reenactment of it in news story form.

news lady: Today in the VAN HORN (<- our high school) library and a boy was peacefully talking to his neighbor and a irritated sophmore punched him in the face...randomly

Victim:i was peacefully sitting and he punched my face...MY FACE!!
Librarian: i dint sea nuffin.
Gangster kid:so um i was sittin der redin peceful, u kno..legally, an dat kid was um sitting next to dat other kid. nd riki was also sitting nex to em. and erm riki stood up yelld weres mai kkane um pulled out a gun and BOOM knocked him in the face..quikleh..greatleh..randomleh.
Officer: you really wanna know what happened? -.- it was 1200 hours and that boy rikimaru was sitting in the library chair. the other boy "the victim" was sitting in next to him, talking to his neighbor. Riki got up to take a drink -.- and after a few minutes he came back and sat back down. -.- a few more mins later he started getting angry. veins were popping out his head. it all seemed like slow motion. he stared at "the victim" huffing and puffing. "the victim" turned around said "whats your problem?" Riki then proceeded to BOOM punch him straight in the face..quickleh..greatleh..randomleh.
Newslady:can you offer a bit more info officer?
Officer:I would but Judge mathis, Jerry springer, and Maury is almost on.  -.-
Newslady: 0.0
LIbrarian: 0.0
Gangster:my story was betta >.>

                                                                               THE END

random -> Zealous' sig - When the people can't find leadership they will be thirsty for it so they'll crawl through the desert at a mirage. And when they can't find it they'll drink the sand.


Everything and Anything / Favorite music group
« on: March 07, 2010, 01:31:40 pm »
This is very similar to the "whats your favorite song topic" but since its eleven pages i didn't think it was a point of adding to it. And me personally its kinda hard to pick one favorite song so, whats YOUR bitchingest group

Everything and Anything / Hot or not?
« on: March 05, 2010, 09:30:57 pm »
This is a question i was wondering. no sexism or anything is involved, i just wanted to know WoS' opinion

Modding / convert request
« on: February 20, 2010, 02:05:01 pm »
Hey most of u might not know if i skin or not but i do, and my TXD workshop isn't working right. The point being, i need someone to help me convert my skins, not trying to steal Raising store' thunder or anything but il also take skin requests. recently i have extra time and im working on car skins so il also be on gimp frequently. <3 to those who can help.

P.S. i also have xfire. heres a couple of my skin samples (the second one is more of a prototype)

Everything and Anything / DELETE POST
« on: January 30, 2010, 02:49:34 pm »

General / Train a n00b
« on: January 26, 2010, 11:48:17 pm »
I'v recently run into the idea that stunting has gotten more and more complicated. And by every new or so solo or video that is uploaded, expectations get higher, and "stunt esteem" drops lower. However an idea to keep the interest of stunting coming and the frustrations running, there is an idea of sharing experience. Example: naval, il admit i'v never landed it ^.^ but i have landed a majority of stunts that could place me a spot in xsa or something...maybe (sometime i might show a small video), still they did take a lot of frustration in which usual stunters might ace. In conclusion, veteran stunters like nka riki stumpy and others would be appreciated to help n00bs become regulars. :p thanx for your time.

P.S. - admino should give stunt advice cuz i saw him do pwnage stunts back then.

P.S.S. - im not a noob, iv landed a coolnocity amt of stunts XD.

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