Everything and Anything / Favorite Game Quotes
« on: April 28, 2010, 05:49:54 pm »
While making a wallpaper i started thinking of some quotes i liked from that game.
so whats your favorite game quote?
il go first:
Most people think time is like a river that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you: they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm. You may wonder who I am or why I say this. Sit down and I will tell you a tale like none you have ever heard. [First and Last lines in PoP Trilogy].
I am the architech of my own destruction.
I have defeated the Dahaka, and fate itself.
...For the first time in my life... I am afraid.
Seasons change, tastes change... but people? People never change, and you delude yourself believing otherwise...
If I am selfish Prince, it is because you are. If I am ruthless and reckless and lacking in morals it is because you are. <-- think this has deeper meaning and can relate :p
Go then, my Prince. but know this. Your journey will not end well. You cannot change your fate. No man can.
The Beast.The Dahaka is the guardian of the timeline.You were supposed to die,so it will catch you and see to it that you meet your fate.
Favorite - What's yours is rightfully mine..and mine it shall be.
thats all from me. yes these are from PoP mostly cause i couldn't think of any other game atm.
so whats your favorite game quote?
il go first:
Most people think time is like a river that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you: they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm. You may wonder who I am or why I say this. Sit down and I will tell you a tale like none you have ever heard. [First and Last lines in PoP Trilogy].
I am the architech of my own destruction.
I have defeated the Dahaka, and fate itself.
...For the first time in my life... I am afraid.
Seasons change, tastes change... but people? People never change, and you delude yourself believing otherwise...
If I am selfish Prince, it is because you are. If I am ruthless and reckless and lacking in morals it is because you are. <-- think this has deeper meaning and can relate :p
Go then, my Prince. but know this. Your journey will not end well. You cannot change your fate. No man can.
The Beast.The Dahaka is the guardian of the timeline.You were supposed to die,so it will catch you and see to it that you meet your fate.
Favorite - What's yours is rightfully mine..and mine it shall be.
thats all from me. yes these are from PoP mostly cause i couldn't think of any other game atm.