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Messages - WorldOwner

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeal. / Re: What the fuck is going on?
« on: June 13, 2010, 03:11:45 pm »
Shabz simply thought you were some other guy..
We have been getting an evader who would come on with names like yours and ping around what you had so shabz thought you were him and so did I.. And I did slap Shabz for insulting, but I was on and off from being afk.. This was a simply mistake.. Once again, you will not be unbanned without the proper format. I understand you don't want to appeal, but if you do want to play on the server again please do so. Shabz will be dealt with..

Thank you,

Lol.. really everyone is crazy on this server.

There are other Servers which make fun without begging ^^

I dont know who is reponsible for the whole server, but  seriously pick up better admins or tell them not to bann innocent people! Otherwise this server will fail ^^

And Shabz as i already said in the game.. WE NEVER MET BEFORE ^^

Dont know if the hacker named sampy really exists
but one thing is for sure:He got what he probably wanted namely ruining the server! => Im Gone !

Topic can be closed!

Ban Appeal. / Re: What the fuck is going on?
« on: June 13, 2010, 07:37:12 am »
Please use the correct format to make a ban appeal.

Finally, please send all complaints to support@worldofstunt.com, thank you for your time and please have a nice day.

As i already said, this isnt an appeal for anything. I donnot get on my knees for injustice! I am either sorry for something ive done nor i have broke any rulez! What i was expecting was apologies for this mistreatment and just justice.

So what are you going to do? Let me banned for no reason or unbann me and bann the right guy namely "shabz" ?


Ban Appeal. / What the fuck is going on?
« on: June 12, 2010, 06:41:16 pm »
This isnt an appeal!Its a complaint!

I logged on to play... was driving cart. Suddenly "Shabz" started to insult me!!! I told him to stopp but he didnt stop! So i ignored him! A few seconds later i was banned with following reason: Bann evade

I WAS NOT EVADING ANYTHING! Furthermore i didnt even broke any rulez! I was JUST driving!

Following Admins where on: Amanda and Packerbitch so i suppose that one of those are responsible for this bann!!

Remove the Bann! I didnt do anything!

I also made a Screenshot.. dont know if it helps: http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/5980/screenysw.jpg

Pages: [1]