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Topics - Tumitama

Pages: [1]
Introduce Yourself / [JKZ]tumitama1
« on: November 04, 2009, 10:25:03 pm »
Hai guise!

My in  game name is [JKZ]tumitama1, the JKZ part is short for 'Jokerz' the team I am currently in.
Some of you already know me.
I have been registered in game for like, a month.
If I see you in game, I will prob not remember you, so don't be all butt hurt if I do not remember you.
I will try and help you as much as I can.
I am in ArmyOfNKA(the gang)(We pwn)
If there is a certain format for this, you should tell me so I can correct myself.
I like to ride bikes(BMX, but I hate that term.) So if you see me, I may be bitching about my bearings being mashed or something.
I do not play many games, other than this, Fallout 3, and Way of the Samurai.
I am a n00b at times, so if I ask a stupid question or misspell, do not ride my ass, we all make mistakes.
I am not admin, so do not ask me to ban anyone, /admins is there for a reason.
I tend to get on later at night, because I am home schooled, and I spend all day with Hannah(My girlfriend)
I am partially an EDiot.
I do not tolerate racism, even though I am white.
I joined this site after I left LVP mainly because of the respect I actually get here.
I am like Stumpy,"I also like long walks on the beach and snuggling up to watch a movie."
I also do not tolerate belligerence towards me, so if you want to flame, go flame somebody who cares.
I am not a HaXoR D00D so I do not want to hear your pointless accusations.
I am not articulate nor grammatically correct, so do not praise me on my grammar.
I am not self centered, or I try not to be.
I do not have low self esteem.
I am not "emo"
I do not enjoy having the company of people who cannot think of anything other than fart and sex jokes.(bananas are not penises and apples are not balls, so hesitate to tell me so.)
Though I do hate flaming, if you say something hostile to me, I will retaliate.
I know this post is too long, if an admin tells me to shorten it, I will.
I am Tumitama, and thank you all for reading my introduction!

Ban Appeal. / Banned by impersonator! Tumitama1
« on: November 03, 2009, 12:54:37 am »
Admin That Banned You:Stumpy The impersonator!
Reason Given By Admin:Banned for being stupid(Finding out that he is a fraud)
Are You Sorry:No!
Will you read and accept /rules?:I already did!
Extra Info: A friend of mine had found the real Stumpy, after I pointed out that the impersonator was not stumpy, he kicked me.
He could read all of my PM's to other players, and he could not answer my question,"Why is your name Stumpy?"Which the real stumpy had told me earlier.
There had been an impersonator of NKA earlier, and the Real Stumpy had banned him.
The fake Stumpy had to leave to find out his own age for proof, another reason that I know he was a fraud.
And Stumpy does not abuse the kick command, and the impersonator was asking me the admin controls.(I am not even admin!!!) This is why I know that was a fake, he did not sound, or behave like the real Stumpy.

Please unban me, I should not be banned for knowing an impersonator when I see one!

I know this is my second ban, but this ban was unfair and placed by a fraud...

EDIT: I have noticed Sounder is being an awesome admin and unbanning everyone who was hit by the impersonator, and my brother started complaining about his ban, so I was wondering can you unban him as well, or does he have to make an appeal?

His name is trogdor25

Ban Appeal. / Tumitama1
« on: October 26, 2009, 06:54:35 pm »
Admin that banned me:admino
Reason: Me being a smartmouth.
Am I sorry: Obviously I am sorry, or I would not be making an appeal.
Will I read the /rules:Yes, I will indeed re-read over the rules.
Extra info: Ok, this guy was muted by admino, and he said that he hates it when kids act like they had the best computer, and I said something like, "My PC is the best."
And I got a warning so I said to myself," Haha, I had that coming."
Second warning, after I stopped I said to myself," Ok, I guess he is the admin."
Third warning after I stopped completely I got banned, for one sarcastic remark!
I am not sure how long I will be banned, but if it is a permban or something like that I would like to know.
PS: First time being banned.

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