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Topics - Streammys

Pages: 1 [2]
Other Problems / Live problem?
« on: January 26, 2010, 06:00:29 am »
I am on school right now, and i don't know if the problem is becouse of here.. but i just report it.

When i go to live on forums, it says that i have to login, so i login. when i try again to go to live, it says again i have to login, and when i go back to the forums, i still am logged in.
so i try to relog, and it still did happen.

i don't know if its a problem of the site, or from my school

Other Problems / Dead/wrong link @ panel?
« on: January 20, 2010, 10:54:25 pm »
When i go into the panel, and go to the 'Money' section, i get a blank white page.
Also when i go to the 'skin' section, it brings me to the summary section..

its not nessecary, but i thought, i'd just report it

Suggestions Archive / Dutch /language pack
« on: January 19, 2010, 02:50:20 am »
I think there should be a dutch /language pack.
I see way too much new dutch people that don't know how to speak english in the server, and closely nobody that helps them. Also i never see them back, and probably becouse they can't read everything.

I could translate if i get the lines that must be translated.

Also i see the guide on the forums is at some part outdated. i think it should get a little update every month or so.

(ps. when does the new patch with the /challenge fix come?)

Suggestions Archive / Ranks in gang?
« on: January 15, 2010, 11:28:50 am »
I had some suggestions for gangs, some should be hard to made and some not.

1. Private stuntwar
My first suggestion is the possibility of challenging other gangs to a private stuntwar.
Like, there is a command as /gang challenge <Gangname> <minimal players> <maximal players> <timelimit>. (command only avaible to leaders/challengers*
Then u have to select a spot by ID in a little window (from normal stuntwar's).. first watching the spot and then u can do a little window with accept or decline. (those <blabla> stuff can also be in a little window.)
Then both gangs get a message to do a /gang acceptchallenge or ignore it. When there are enough players in both teams after 2 minutes, the war will start. When the 2 minutes are over and there are no people, both gangs get a message that the challenge stopped.

*watch third suggestion

2. Gang messager
Another suggestion is a command like /gang message <message>.
That command should just be for leaders/messagers*
It will send a message to all online members, and remember them for offline members.
when those offline members come online they see that message, and they won't ever get it again.
Those messages should be keeped for like 1 week.

*Watch third suggestion

3. Gang rankins
I think there should be a rang system in gangs..
Those rangs should be chosen by the leader of the gang..

here some random ranks:
Co-leader - Same things as leader, but no disbanding.
Inviter - Can invite people to the gang.
Challenger (only if suggestion 1 comes) - can challenge other gangs to private stuntwar
Messager (only if suggestion 2 comes) - can message people in the gang

I think some admins need the ability to modify/delete some spots in the stuntwar,
becouse some stuntspots are bugged, like the one where u get no bike, or the one u start in the spot.
also to delete some stunts with shortcuts, becouse these aren't stunts anymore

*another suggestion:
a option that makes u automaticly go to a private world while being in /jobs
its very annoying if you are in world 0 and some random guy crashes with 50 velocity in you,
also i'd like to automaticly have /options off, in pilot job there is annoying airport with a lot of objects..

Suggestions Archive / fixing /challenge
« on: January 11, 2010, 11:10:13 pm »
I'd like to see /challenge fixed, becouse there are several bugs there.

1. when u are in a challenge, and u do /leave, nobody can fight until a server reset.
2. when you fight in challenge with explosive/suicide weapons (like rocket launcher, explosive packs, grenades) and u get suicide, the fight doesn't end until server reset
3. when being in the room of challenge (also /watch), you can use /gun, even in the challenge itself.
4. while challenging, you can do /visit to get away out of the ring, also from /watch

also in deathmatch you can use /visit to get away

Never mind, i saw in the 'Other problems' section that these are done fixing and will be there in next patch

Other Problems / /challenge bugs
« on: November 08, 2009, 09:58:38 pm »
There are some challenge bugs that gets the challenge command bugged (that nobody can challenge again until server reset)

1. When both players leave
2. When you fight with grenade's

Other Problems / few bugs i found
« on: November 05, 2009, 11:58:11 am »
i found a few bugs in WoS ( 3.9.8 )

1. You can drive underwater (normal gravity etc)
2. You can get out of deathmatch (still in deathmatch world) *
3. There's a trick to stay on bike (not falling off) *
4. Invisible world after loading position while in bank.
5. (known long before) vehicle keeps dissapearing..
probably know a reason why:

The server has a lot of build-in cars, like all the houses one, some standard places like /cars..
and samp 0.3a can just take 2000 vehicles per server:

 Version 0.3a

    * Up to 500 players per server and up to 2000 vehicles.

so if there are too many players with their own vehicle, the 2000 will be exceeded, and another players vehicle ID, will be over-writed by another player+location, so ur vehicle dissapears.

i told admino this already, and he said that it wasn't the reason becouse all the servers have unlimited vehicles..
i saw the 2000 vehicles max at the changelog ok wiki-samp and so i posted here again :)

* Asking for premition to post how to do it

Ban Appeal. / Ban appeal [Boo]Streammy
« on: November 02, 2009, 11:24:00 am »
Ingame nick: [Boo]Streammy
Age: 14
Admin banned you: admino
Reason of ban: Exploiting, permanent
Are you sorry: Yes very.. i just did it couse some others did it too
Will you read and accept /rules?: Of course i will
Additional information:
I've been banned a few minutes ago, and i think (in my opinion) unfair..
I was in a stunt war, and did the stunt.. but i didn't save exactly on the stunt, but next to it..
then i accidently drove off the stunt, so i loaded my position again, but i fellt off again, so i keep doing /l..
the problem was the stuntwar was bugged and i made myself float for like 1 minute..
i think this ban is unfair couse some others did it too, (actually just walking to there, couse the war was bugged), but also couse i still didn't win the match..

just please give me another chance, and i won't ever do /s on the stunt spot anymore.. or any other forbidden things in the server

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