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Topics - Rax

Pages: [1]
Humor / More of my childish humour.
« on: April 14, 2009, 11:33:01 am »

It's generally amusing, but the ending rather tickled me.


Everything and Anything / Kitty Weed :)
« on: April 13, 2009, 02:38:12 pm »
I'm not entirely sure where I am meant to put this, but yeah.

I found a nice picture for those times when you need to calm someone down. Or, just to use in your sig.

This in no way means I condone the use of illegal drugs. Don't smoke weed kids, I can tell you from experience it's bad for you. :angry:

Well, have fun with it guys.


P.S:- Obtw, if you need to link it to someone, right-click, "Copy Image Location"  (or similar for browsers other than firefox) then paste it into the chat :)

Humor / I am the cocktopede!
« on: April 12, 2009, 02:08:23 pm »

I can't get enough of RG and Weebly, so retardedly addicting.

I swear I've linked you guys the WSD? If not, I'll make the post in about ten minutes. Once I learn all the words to Cocktopede.

Slai.  :wub:

Videos And Screenshots / OMG It's been done.
« on: March 24, 2009, 12:20:39 pm »
Ok, I can't remember if this was a wagon I jumped on or something I came up with on my own, but...

Anyway, a little while back I was stunting in LV with some friends *I believe Twitch was one of them? It's the only name I can remember*

This was the exact stunt I was trying, and it has been done.

Quite recent too. Just thought I'd flag it up in case anyone remembers it or was hoping to use it.


P.S: I apologise if this is advertising anything in any way, I was just flicking through random mini-league vids in youtube and got to this.

Introduce Yourself / Well, back.
« on: February 22, 2009, 10:54:47 am »
It's Rax.

Hello. I've been back for a few days in the server and I thought I'd sit it out and see how everything was going before rejoining the forums.

Seems all is well so far.

I guess I have a LOT of people's asses to kiss before I can patch up the holes I left last time I was here, but that's why I'm back.

Believe it or not, I'm actually not so much of an asshole as I make out.

I guess I'll see you guys around, feel free to shoot me a hate mail every now and again to remind me what a bitch I am.


Pages: [1]