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Messages - Rax

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6
Other Problems / Re: Mokke Cheating :|
« on: April 16, 2009, 12:48:53 am »
Well I was there watching them and Mokke used /jetpack to go afther Cloud and his frineds  when they said that he cheated.
And I think what they saw was him floating in the air without the jetpack and thought he's cheating.
Sometimes you don't see a player flying with jetpack when he's actually useing it.

Oh, well there's your answer :)

The jumping is most likely grenade boosting, as other players can't see grenades. But indeed, it is 99% of the time just an un-synchronised /jetpack :)

Remember, we have many commands implemented so you don't need to risk being banned for hacking.

Have fun guys,

Other Problems / Re: Mokke Cheating :|
« on: April 15, 2009, 11:42:55 pm »
Sorry but eh, I don't think anyone actually knows what you are talking about.

We shall look into the matter as soon as is possible, but until we can be sure of what Mokke was doing, when and where, we can't start accusing him of "hacking".

Thank you for the report, though :rolleyes:


P.S:- Tell [Blaks]Jimmy to make a ban appeal, I'm sure he wants to play again.

Videos And Screenshots / Re: [XSG] Update
« on: April 15, 2009, 02:24:49 pm »
Indeed they are.

I notice this is the exact same setup as the IsK forums. Could have at least picked a new skin for it Mihk.

Anyway, I can almost guarantee they won't last long. And I don't see the server thing happening :P Yeah I read your only topics.

Final note, isn't this better placed in Chat? Cuz I see no Videos or Screenshots here. To be honest.


Other Problems / Re: Somebody, anybody, please respond....
« on: April 15, 2009, 02:20:29 pm »
ImageShack, upload, copy the Direct URL link, paste that in between

And then it should show up :)

Basically, what Torn said but in written english.


Humor / Re: I am the cocktopede!
« on: April 14, 2009, 11:46:00 pm »
Must admit actually trying to play that game with your cock is impossible.

Har-de har har....

LOL no that wasn't a dig, it was a genuine slip. Your as in like, metaphorically anyone. But hey, if you find it to be that way, so be it :)

Humor / More of my childish humour.
« on: April 14, 2009, 11:33:01 am »

It's generally amusing, but the ending rather tickled me.


Humor / Re: I am the cocktopede!
« on: April 14, 2009, 11:20:14 am »
Lmao... went and played the cockenspeil.... oh what a fine tune i came up with...get it?...lmao...came up with.... is this microphone on?... Tough crowd, tough crowd...



Woof woof, funny shit man, funny shit.

Must admit actually trying to play that game with your cock is impossible.


Archive / Re: Waffles Versus Electric
« on: April 14, 2009, 10:43:26 am »
Indeed, good luck guys. Should be interesting.

Just to clarify, e.g means "for example", i.e means "that is". Grammar:- "My pc doesn't run good games i.e, Counter Strike." "There are some really crap games on the market e.g, Crysis."

Technically, it should read "Something not on the floor e.g, a vehicle" Else it means "... not on the floor, that is a vehicle". See what I mean? ;) (I found schooling english to be utter shite so I just read up on grammar all day. It's why I left. Boring shit.)
:P Sly.
xD i didnt understand ..... so just say can i land a grind to vehicle or no xDD it would help me alot

xDD Ignore the bumbling old fool, yes you can. Find a rail, put a caddy on the end. Stunt done. Or find a billboard, put a coach beneath it, land it. Many choices :)

Archive / Re: Waffles Versus Electric
« on: April 14, 2009, 09:54:25 am »
Indeed, good luck guys. Should be interesting.

Just to clarify, e.g means "for example", i.e means "that is". Grammar:- "My pc doesn't run good games i.e, Counter Strike." "There are some really crap games on the market e.g, Crysis."

Technically, it should read "Something not on the floor e.g, a vehicle" Else it means "... not on the floor, that is a vehicle". See what I mean? ;) (I found schooling english to be utter shite so I just read up on grammar all day. It's why I left. Boring shit.)
:P Sly.

Other Problems / Re: account delete O.o?
« on: April 14, 2009, 09:47:16 am »

I played in World of Stunting today, I attempted to login but it says that the "account doesn't exist" or "my password is wrong". I did it all correctly, but to no avail. My in-game name is [MC]NeverSoft. Now, I don't really share my account; but maybe someone got into it, and my hours are gone. I had 46, I don't have proof but my friends in [MC] crew know about it :D, so ask Esteban and Splinetic, oh and Black_Ice too (I didn't forget you ;D). So could you restore my account details when you have time? Please please I asked nicely ;D :angry:

Best thing you can do is wait it out. Do NOT use /restore, it will wreck your account more.

Second thoughts, log into the Game Panel with the name "[mc]neversoft" (without the " marks) and your password, then use the "Change name" feature to restore your name to "[MC]NeverSoft".

Although, waiting for Jat's opinion is probably a better bet than listening to my advice. Hope it helps bro,


P.S:- Apologies for the sarcastic grammatical fixing above, I felt it needed to be done :)
P.P.S:- I had the same thought as you Muki, so I fixed it ;0

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