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Messages - SaNiiX

Pages: 1 ... 4 5 [6] 7 8 ... 14
General / Re: A Tip For a new Stunting League.
« on: October 07, 2009, 05:16:03 am »
let me start;
People sign Up and Judges makes teams, like ehhhm (8/10 or more teams)
Nath - WOSP0WNERS vs Player - TEAMNAME
so, team vs team;
challenges goes like tiiiis;
Nath vs Player; Precisi with ...
SaNiiX vs Player; best stunt with ...
NKA19 vs Player; Creativest stunt with ...
Challenges are given, time to Judge!
Judges says that WOSP0WNERS has passed round 1.
and TEAMNAME haz lose round 1. (so they are out game)
1 thing, 3 players in 1 team, and there are like 10 teams, that is 10x3=30.
so we need atleast 26 or more players to start this game,
so we need to Advert to WOS, to let people join this game !

Davey aka. SaNiiX

We dont go mix like good players Ryoere with Raising with BD
so we go mix like n00bs,mediumstunters,pro's
liek that !

General / Re: I'm sick of hackers
« on: October 07, 2009, 05:03:07 am »
i Agree with Hametutututuut, lol

WOS, good admins ..
but why they are like always afk!
when my school ends, most time at 2/3 o clock.
there are a BUNCH of hackers,spammers,flamers,DMers.
and some admins,
i maybe see just 1 time in the week !
i dont hate these admins but like,
Ryoere a good friend of mine, he is admin.
but i dont see him much @ WOS.
Brendon,Stumpy,Jay .. they are atleast 1 hours online everyday.
thats good.
but yah, when i come from school. (btw everyday @ SAMP/WOS)
Maybe; 1 admin. AFK ..  and more then 20/30 peepz online in the server.
This good server; World Of Stunting, needs more active admins.
and Admins dont have to be funny or a good friend,
Trustable, Serius (Humor can be in it), and i dont say these admins are not.
But some admins aint even doing their job,
i dont go call names but yah,
the most admins are online @ 5/6 - Evening ..

but my Opinion is that we need more active admins @ 2/3/4  o clock ...


Davey aka. SaNiiX

Videos And Screenshots /
« on: October 07, 2009, 04:39:58 am »
is the Texture quality thingy;
can i run it with a GeForce 5600 ?
do i need to replace things in IMG tool.

Davey aka. SaNiiX

Humor / Re: How long can you last DR. OCTAGONAPTUPUS
« on: October 06, 2009, 10:17:44 am »
7:31 lolled

Videos And Screenshots / Re: World Domination - Stunt Collab
« on: October 06, 2009, 04:32:25 am »
Sign me in ; )

Videos And Screenshots / Re: naval
« on: October 06, 2009, 04:31:57 am »
lol most time raising haz,
i gonna steal his pc  :wacko:

Videos And Screenshots / Re: Moonbeam Naval (lol)
« on: October 06, 2009, 04:30:03 am »
How to do this !

/v moonbeam  &  /hydro  &  /nos     and u can save pos. (forfailings)
then just drive fast with /gravity 0.008
while ur close the bump, u type or paste when u copied, /gravity 0.001
when u going to bump it, press 8 on ur numpad, then when u maked good speed, a nice bump.
u can do this like the video above !

Goodluck & Have fun !

Davey aka. SaNiiX

General / A Tip For a new Stunting League.
« on: October 06, 2009, 04:24:35 am »
Hello, it seems like always the same passes round 1 - 2.
I think people HATES it.
So maybe is ere teh tip.

Not a World of Stunting Stunting League but .
tumtumtumtumtumtum tuuuuuum;

The World Of Stunting StuntTeams League !
it looks pretty cool for the next wossl.
and easy'R for People who are not realy advanced into stunting.
Teams are mixed with good/medium/bad stunters etcetc.

i hope ever in ages .. that there comes a stuntteams league :)

Davey aka. SaNiiX

General / Re: Read this, Admins?
« on: October 05, 2009, 10:48:00 am »
thanks !
it works.

Archive / Re: [PRO]Abody versus Supposed
« on: October 04, 2009, 04:46:02 am »
wtf  ..
land it with a Caddy bu ur self :S
its hard.
i tried it too

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