While in an argument with another person, Rycka interuptted me and I told him to shut up, what else would you do when in the heat of an argument and really angry? Then he goes and calls me a nigger and tells me to go back to Africa.
Ohh Yeah?? You don't know what you done?? you spamming when no one of admins are online like yersteday someone spammed . And you went " STFU NOOB FUCKEN SPAMMER!!@@!@!@!@!!!!!!!!!!!!! STFU !!! " you went like that and you spammed not even then you spammed before and today . And like 5-10 mins ago you Talked to Cata and you told him something bad about his mum and you said fucken she got you or you fucken fucked her and she's bitch you called more people before and i think that's more bad , and when you say something bad about his parrents like his mum , it makes you upset would you like someone call your mum like that
See? And i told that cause he went upset and you made me upset too so i told you that cause .... You called more people that before . And you always saying : Stop Spamm . STFU ! then later you spamm your self! I say it too like stop spamm or caps off plz turn your caps off , but im not spamming.