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Messages - Ron_Dogg

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 43
Ban Appeal. / Re: Unban me im soo sorry
« on: March 05, 2010, 06:49:01 am »
Hello [MPG]Axmed/ Heahunter:

You have been Unbanned.

Please be sure to read the Terms of Service and the Rules. (I'm sure that statement was unnecessary, but I just wanted to be sure you understand our position).

Have yourself a good time on our server.



Videos And Screenshots / Re: Opus Dai
« on: March 03, 2010, 04:43:45 am »
Hey, not bad, Stumpy. I like the singers voice. The music kinda reminds me of Muse, but a bit raunchier.

I'm gonna check them out. Any particular album i should check out first?



Videos And Screenshots / Re: Amanda and Sniffy Present....
« on: February 28, 2010, 05:32:06 am »
Well, there we have it: Hollywoods newest actors and directors (not to mention editors et al).

Great stuff here, Mandy and Sniffs. I look forward to someday seeing both of you at the Sundance Film Festival in Toronto/London/New York some day?! ;)

Hope you had fun making this. It was fun to watch.



Introduce Yourself / Re: New member
« on: February 26, 2010, 02:40:19 pm »
Hello [SA] fullmetal and welcome to World of Stunting forums.

We'll see you in-game.

Guides / Re: [SA-MP] World of Stunting Guide
« on: February 26, 2010, 02:35:43 pm »
Excellent. This guide is certainly handy to have.

I did notice the word "/angle" written twice in the commands section. It's the 13th and also the last word, the ones written in red.

Thanks Robert for spending the time to create these guides.



Suggestions Archive / Re: New product in /tesco
« on: February 24, 2010, 11:22:52 am »
I will say it again.

More cars in the server means more resources will be needed. It will be a drag on the server and anyone who plays the server.

Doesn't seem like they heard you, Stumpy. Yell Louder!!! ;)

Ban Appeal. / Re: for the reasons unknown
« on: February 23, 2010, 12:14:09 pm »
shall we start from begining?
i'm not abhi, okay? I said that i was abhi "for teh lulz" but i didn't want to say this to you, Jay
when i was writing PM i could make a mistake with number (shit happens you know), and you might think that you have found an evading cheater, which had said you about this
i said this in private message which was supposed to sent not to Jay
and i was banned because of PM
if you want to help - unban me
anyway this ban is not a matter of life and death

PS *whispering* my side of story is also at the top of this page
PPS if somebody will come to police and say: "ima murderer!", policemen will put him into a jail right away? You really think so?
PPPS  :lol: Such system exists in mexico (suspect is guilty, until he proves his innocence)

LoL...ok, ok, I think I can see where you're coming from, iRRM. Far be for me not to have a sense of humour.

Ok, so I now believe that what you had done was just in fun, and I'm sure you realize that admins have to deal with anything that might threaten the game server as something that can do serious harm. This not being the case here, I will unban you and hope that your stay on the server will be a pleasant one from here on.

I'm hoping you can see how simple things can get blown out of proportion and that until things have been cleared up we have to act.

Thank you for your detailed explanation and from all of use at World of Stunting: enjoy your time here.



Ban Appeal. / Re: for the reasons unknown
« on: February 22, 2010, 05:05:59 pm »
if i am not mistaken you were admitting tha you were ABHI, you even told me.
hi, yes i remember that i wrote "yaa ima abhi lol"
so you have taken these words out of context
Greetings iRRM:

When someone comes out and confesses to being someone else, someone that is banned, I feel compelled to do something about it.

That would mean that I did not fuck up; you did.

I fail to see how your confession could be "out of context". You said you were Abhi. Abhi is banned. You are evading. Case closed.

Why else would you say such a thing? Are you purposefully trying to get banned by impersonating a banned player? This makes no sense. The only sense made here is that you are Abhi and Abhi has been banned.

Perhaps, if you can convince me why you would have said such a thing (and saying it was just a joke will not get you unbanned, let me assure you), I might see your side of the story and unban you.

I await your explanation,


Videos And Screenshots / Re: Mirror's Edge
« on: February 21, 2010, 07:53:15 pm »
Stumpy? -_-
You could make sex sound depressing -_-
ROFLMAO Atta boy, Stumpy.

That was the funniest thing I've heard in a long while. Thanks for the laugh, Sniffs! ;)

Oh, and the video was cool. Makes me wish most fps games were this smooth.

You say that was you playing, TauTwiZ? i...c.


Ban Appeal. / Re: pls unban [AH]jarno[NL]
« on: February 20, 2010, 07:17:56 am »
Greetings [AH]NOBODY[NL]

This is not your ban appeal. This has nothing to do with you. Do not make a ban appeal unless you have been banned.

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