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Messages - Ron_Dogg

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 43
Ban Appeal. / Re: unban me floryn plz (Mr.StuffY)
« on: March 17, 2010, 10:42:18 am »
Greetings bang1bang:

Sorry, but i just don't believe your stories and excuses.

But that's just my opinion and it's Floryns decision to make if you are unbanned or not.



Ban Appeal. / Re: unban me floryn plz (Mr.StuffY)
« on: March 17, 2010, 10:13:03 am »
Extra Info:just unban me please, im not hacking idk how i got that problem, maybe that way that my dvd reader wont open so i downloaded crack (i have the original cd of gta san).
i know floryn that i told that on server, and to install it, i gotta download the gta 1st and tahts go0nna take me like 2 days or something :S , is there any other way to install it not to download it 1st ?

Greetings bang1bang:

I'm a little confused. What in the world would take 2 days to d/l. You said you have the original gta cd? What would you need other than SA-MP and the down-grade 1.0 exe file from SA-MP's web site? And I'm hoping you're talking about d/ling a legitimate original copy because talking about warez and illegal d/l is frowned upon on this forum.

So think carefully now before you attempt to reply.

The truth is always easiest to remember because IT REALLY HAPPENED!!!

Ban Appeal. / Re: Im sorry i was testing cleo3
« on: March 17, 2010, 10:01:08 am »
Greetings p3pp3r:

Wow. You were curious to use one of the most dangerous hacking programs on a multiplayer server?

That has got to be the lamest thing i've ever heard. Just by d/ling that program you put all of SA-MP at risk and you encourage such programs to be written and you help in their distribution.

And if that weren't bad enough you advertise the name of it here in your ban appeal.

Dude, wake up and smell the coffee. If you are uncertain then use this rule of thumb: DON'T DO IT!!!

Blah Blah, the end!

General / Re: JJT achieved their goal.
« on: March 17, 2010, 07:50:10 am »
JJT days are over already :P.
Heh heh heh, you got that right: RonsDoggs will RULEZ!!!!!

;) (I just had to get in my plug for my gang. This post reminds me of tail-gate parties at football games in the USA lol - go team go)

Damn right Ron :P DOGGS will rule the territories!! soon enough...
Not if they're chained :P. But it they escape we might have some problems.
Oh I got them locked tight ;D

Oh, Bullshit you do, Nubie. Actions speak louder than words, ya know ;D .... and we've ALL seen you stunt!!!

So, bring it on and make sure to bring bandages and kleenex for your team!

They're gonna need them!!!!



Ban Appeal. / Re: unbanned
« on: March 17, 2010, 07:32:31 am »
Greetings Forced:

You have been ban evading. That gives admins the choice of further extending your ban for one more year.

Forced   Stumpy   Ban Evade   2010-02-18 23:37:40   
Forced   Rikimaru   ban evade.   2010-02-09 00:59:30

I cannot stress the importance of reading the rules. They are simple to read and simple to follow.

Unfortunately, you have chosen not to do this, or if you did, not to abide by them.

Too bad for you.

Ban Appeal denied because of further ban evasions. You can make another ban appeal on Feb 18, 2011



Greetings abhi:

Further investigation of your ban has revealed this:

ABHI   [JJT]P1nts3L   Evade   2010-03-17 15:00:52
abhi   SpliNetiC   Ban evade.   2010-01-13 10:01:39

Did you think that just because you made an appeal that you were unbanned?

It seems to me that because of your 2 ban evasions that you could care less about the rules here. I doubt you have even read them or the Terms of Service for World of Stunting! If you did read them, you had better take the time to read them again. And again.

Then read them again!!!

I will certainly let Nka decide your fate, but (were it up to me) I would ban you for a further year.



Ban Appeal. / Re: ruutje
« on: March 15, 2010, 07:34:14 am »
Hello Ruutje:

I think you remember me? I have never had any problems from you on the server. In fact, I wish more of the players were like you so we admins wouldn't be having to ban people all the time. But that may be asking for too much lol.

Anyway, enjoy your time on the game server and here at the forums. And welcome back.



General / Re: JJT achieved their goal.
« on: March 15, 2010, 07:22:50 am »
JJT days are over already :P.
Heh heh heh, you got that right: RonsDoggs will RULEZ!!!!!

;) (I just had to get in my plug for my gang. This post reminds me of tail-gate parties at football games in the USA lol - go team go)

Ban Appeal. / Re: unban me coolz
« on: March 05, 2010, 07:13:55 am »
Dear coolz/BENtoo/MAYUR/MAYUR95/mayurthecool/ etc:

Thank you for your ban appeal.

After having investigated your offences, I have decided that you will not be unbanned for one year, minimum, and that if you are caught ban evading again further actions will result.

Ban Appeal DENIED, re-appeal Feb. 2011



Ban Appeal. / Re: Ban Appleal
« on: March 05, 2010, 07:01:49 am »
Hello Watk:

What's worse is that you are (were) in my gang (RonsDoggs) and I even complimented you a couple of times on winning a stunt in Stuntwars. I feel embarrassed at having harboured a cheater and I have therefore kicked you from my gang.

Trying to get praise from an accomplishment that wasn't earned is a low and despicable action and I won't tolerate it in my gang, and as an admin, I guarantee I will be looking for all others who try to hack or alter the server with these tactics and I will try to make sure you all are held responsible for your actions!!!

With all the functions and commands at ones finger-tips on the World of Stunting server it makes me wonder why anyone would even NEED to use hacks or other game altering modifications?

But I will be watching, you can take that to the bank!!!

Very pissed off,


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