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Messages - Ron_Dogg

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General / Re: Weekend_Warriors Recruiting
« on: March 20, 2010, 04:43:28 pm »
Oh oh...pick me...pick me...oh oh oh ....hey...oh oh...pick me, damn it...


RonsDoggs rule!!! WE are so exclusive, you'll even see Snoop Dogg wantin' ta drop by for just a sniff!

ooOOWWWWoooooooo..... (pronounced ow-ouuu)

See you in Stunt Wars, suckahs.... We'll be the ones DRESSED to KILL!!!



General / Re: The Truth About AoN
« on: March 20, 2010, 03:40:17 pm »
Ron_Dogg, I can take jokes and stuff, I even laughed at some things Stumpy said to me and play along. I knew he wasnt serious but things went really a bit too far that started to make me think. I would never do something like that to anyone, especialy not to a friend.
Also if wouldn't of been AoN on the top it would be some other gang and it would be the same thing. So everything is getting really silly and unnessesary.

Yes, i understand and i have shared a few jokes with you. I enjoy your sense of humour, it is certainly non-destructive.

Stumpy, on the other hand, has a sense of humour that has peoples minds whizzing along, trying to figure out wtf just happened? Quick and witty, sarcastic and obstinate, that's our Stampy. And, quite honestly, I wouldn't have him any other way. Ofc, this is how I enjoy life and it's many different faucets, but I realize that others may not share that attitude.

I feel slightly sad for you Nka (without getting all emo on ya) in a way and I wish i could tell you to fight fire with fire, but somehow that just doesn't seem to be your way. You are a gentle soul and that is certainly rare in cyberspace.

We all have Stumpys in our lives and, if nothing else, it teaches us more tolerance towards others. I know that enough is enough sometimes and I think you and Stumpy can still come to an agreement on things said and feelings hurt, or maybe just to agree to disagree, but such is life, eh?

For my part, i've always enjoyed the community of World of Stunting. You guys are like nothing else in my life and i have fun mostly all of the time. I try not to do this at others expense, though and if i do, i hope that it is pointed out to me. I don't like to be insensitive to others feelings.

Well, most of the time. ;)

Anyway, let's have a Stunt War Show Down and really crank things up?



Ban Appeal. / Re: KickFlip06 ban appeal
« on: March 20, 2010, 02:15:23 pm »
Yes, Edddie, i am well aware of what (sic) lagg  can do. It did not affect my judgment in this case.

Thanks for the concern,


Post script: And so, KickFip06, I await your swift comeback to this dilemma and I'm sure it will be a good one, no doubt.

Interesting that your close stunt wars friend, AlonePrincess, isn't here to back you up? You two were pretty tight, as I remember?!

What? AlonePrincess was banned for Hacks? Oh, surprise, surprise!

Dude, don't you think I've been watching y'all? I've seen /reports about you, but I haven't yet (until now) been able to catch you in the act.

Well, I will be here if you think you can come up with a better excuse. Hopefully it won't be as lame as the last one...shit, i've read better stories in bathroom stalls!

General / Re: The Truth About AoN
« on: March 20, 2010, 02:05:10 pm »
Hi everyone.

Ok, so looks like things are escalating and tempers/feelings are becoming strong.

If I may, i would like to suggest something.

Perhaps, to see who really is the "better" gang, we should have a show-down.

Now, I know we have a stunting league, something i'm sad to say i haven't yet partaken in, but I'm sure this is close enough to a competition that we can compare.

What these two gangs might want to do is arrange a place and a time to finally show-off their talents and see who the best gang really is. I don't know who/how/where/when any of this could be done, but someone might take the lead and run with it???

Not me, tho, sorry lol

And, Nka...I'm a little taken aback by your reaction to Stumpy's words. I really don't think he has any malicious intent or holds you with any disrespect, but i can understand how his words can hurt. We North Americans are a little funny that way. Sarcasm can be very penetrating sometimes, tho the intent isn't always to make someone look stupid. I'm guessing Stumpy did not mean this to be so, and i think he probably still considers you a friend. Mind you, I'm not in receipt of his transcripts with you so i don't know how far he's carried this outside of his posts and such so i guess i really don't know. For all i know, he could be tracking your GPS co-ordinates right now and is in your back yard with an axe....better yet, a chainsaw rofl.

I can see that you are a very sensitive person and care very much about people and their feelings and i also see you as approaching situations with professionalism. These are all excellent traits, but they can also make you a target for being the brunt of jokes and tricks, sometimes. And Stumpy knows how to do just that, don't ya dude? lol

Anyway, I just might have it all wrong, so sue me. :P

Ban Appeal. / Re: KickFlip06 ban appeal
« on: March 20, 2010, 12:23:03 pm »
Greetings KickFlip06:

I clearly saw you miss the tower, and about to land on the ground when you suddenly appeared on the tower and lol'd when you thought you would win the sw. If you /s in the air i would have seen you appear there and then drop down, but you didn't, you appeared directly on the tower where the marker is. It even says that you can't save so close to the marker so how did you end up on it directly when you didn't fall thru the air to land on it from a saved point?

Oh, and that screen shot was obviously taken after you were kicked from the server.

You'll have to do better than that.



Ban Appeal. / Re: THA_HACKER ban appeal
« on: March 20, 2010, 09:22:49 am »
Greetings THA_HACKER:

I'm sure you would be able to see the car mod, but (correct me if i'm mistaken) no one else would be able to see that mod on their screen.

That being the case, I would think that the "hacks" Ranger41 is referring to may be something else entirely. Maybe something that DOES alter gameplay?

Nice try, though... ;)



Videos And Screenshots / Re: Wallpaper pack.
« on: March 20, 2010, 09:10:07 am »
I moved this post to this Topic. It belongs here.

Videos And Screenshots / Re: More Wallpapers
« on: March 20, 2010, 09:09:36 am »
I moved this post to this Topic. It belongs here.

General / Re: The Truth About AoN
« on: March 20, 2010, 08:45:56 am »
Ok, so here's my 2 cents worth:

Stumpy, your affinity for hitting the nail on the head is incredible; indeed what Nka is doing could be construed as approaching a fascist attitude towards recruiting all players to be on "the winning side" and this has been used by many leaders in countries since the age of civilization began (e.g. Ceasar, Napolean, Stalin, and Hitler, etc).

But having said that, you make it sound like a bad thing.

People want to be led. They want leaders to tell them what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Just look at television advertisements: we aren't being given the choice of what we want...we are being TOLD what we NEED!!! And if you play that message over and over and over again, it sinks in. This is a very important tool for all leaders\decision makers: just look at the term "WMD's" and how often that was used and it turned out to be one big fat fuckin' LIE!!!

Get it?

Advertisers tell us to spend spend spend...now now now...credit credit credit... All the jingles and catchy phrases/tunes they include in the commercials are just the hook for getting you to buy buy buy...think of all the commercials you find amusing or funny or cute, etc. I'm sure most people (myself included) could rhyme off a few memorable things from popular ads like: "Coke: it's the real thing." Or how about the Apple vs. P.C. with the two dudes, one lame (P.C.) and one cool (apple)? Doritos "Snack Attack" during superbowl was voted the best one for that year. Why? NINJA's, dude... N.I.N.J.A.'s!!!

But what you are doing Stumpy, by protesting this, is making the issue blurry for most players and by doing so, you are accomplishing the same thing as Nka. Bringing this to the attention of those that are in the AoN is going to stir-up a nest of hornets and the only result is that AoN will recruit even MORE players to their side. By being so open with your opinion you force Nka's hand and put him in a position to just squash you where you stand, like some insignificant bug. And, rightly so:

Might is Right!!!

Ok, enough bullshitting for now...this is a very fun and funny post and i really wish i could take it seriously, but i can't. All the above things i said were for entertainment purposes only and were not meant to slander or hurt anyones feelings or ideas/attitudes, kk?

And, please believe me when i say that what i have just written above about "how things are" is, in no way, what i practice or follow. But i do acknowledge that they EXIST! Maybe there are some underlying truths here, maybe not. But it really is a funny post and i look forward to see how it all pans out.

We each see life through our own eyes and are influenced by what our environment exposes us to and how we interpret it all, based on our life's experiences.

Anything more than that is just someone else's opinion?! ;)

Cheers all,



Ban Appeal. / Re: please unban me i dont eaven know why i was banned
« on: March 17, 2010, 01:28:53 pm »
Greetings Lord_Darkness:

Lord_Darkness   Nka19   hacks   2009-12-11 22:23:38

Nka will deal with this. I only caught you evading.

Strike 2?



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