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Messages - Ron_Dogg

Pages: 1 ... 39 40 [41] 42 43
Humor / Retarded ET
« on: November 02, 2008, 01:45:02 pm »
Quote from: twitch
lol, robot chicken kicks ass

Yup! They sure do kick ass. I only wish the show itself was longer. I could watch it for days....


General / WoS Drift Tournament
« on: November 02, 2008, 12:43:52 pm »
Great tournament!

At the risk of sounding unpopular (like i give a shit) Rowan and I used to race that same course when I first registered with WoS. The thing is, I always (as most of you who have seen me on WoS) use the Bullet. I believe it's a RWD car and it blows away any car in drift. For me, anyway!

I wouldn't mind joining this competition, but I will be using the Bullet if I do. I know this is contrary to the rules as laid out by creativegta, but the other cars mentioned are just not in my abilities to drift with.

But if this is unfair or if it's going to present a problem, it doesn't have to be included as an "official" time trial. Either way, it's just fun to see everyone else try this track. I find it one of the best tracks for drifting on the whole map. We used to continue on even further, ending up in SF, at the airport. Ah, those were the days...lol.

I recently found out about Fraps (yeah, doesn't help living in a cave) and I have been fiddling around with it on other games, but I am anxious to do a GTA short and this might just be it.

It'll be a work in progress so when it's done, I'll post the vid here.



Introduce Yourself / Hi I'm Surge
« on: October 11, 2008, 08:44:59 am »
Greetings and welcome to World of Stunting, Surge.

(Here ya go, Stumpy. Someone cut from the same bolt of cloth as yourself)



General / Happy 16 stumpzor lol
« on: September 22, 2008, 09:06:32 am »
Hey hey! Happy belated birthday there, Stumpy!

Hope your day went the way you wanted it to (party, cake, lots of chicks).



Modding / Grand Theft Auto IV sig
« on: September 09, 2008, 02:03:18 pm »
Cool graphics, Rowan.

Oh, by the way, where the hell did you get a pic of me for the second graphic?....



General / Happy Birthday Oddisy
« on: September 04, 2008, 02:46:34 pm »
Happy Bday, Oddisy. Eat cake, eat lots of cake.


Ban Appeal. / Ban Appeal
« on: August 22, 2008, 05:00:45 pm »
G'day, xramunas13.

I was online when you were banned today.

You may not have seen my post to you saying that you have to have patience when you report someone because the admins have the whole server and other duties to attend to and I'm sure it keeps them quite busy.

And, hey, I can understand when someone is pissing you off and doing things (hacks) that interfere with your game-play. As the saying goes: shit happens.

What works for me (and i emphasize the "me" part) is that I report them and then go do some other stunts elsewhere, away from the problem person, giving the admins the time they need to deal with the situation.

Again, I know how frustrating it can be when someone is screwing with you and using hacks and such, but look at what your approach got you. I'm sure you had the best intentions but I'm hoping you can see the admins point of view.

Good luck and hope to see you back online, pending your appeal.



Introduce Yourself / I'm Sounderr
« on: August 19, 2008, 02:15:57 pm »
Hi ya Sounder.

I was in Holland once. I took a European tour and my first stop was Amsterdam (for 5 days). I got off the plane at 4:30 am and proceeded to the bars (both alchohol and the cafes'). It was a BLAST. I meet up with lots of great people from all over the world. I love the city and someday hope to get there again!

Hope to see you online.



Modding / /Carcolor
« on: August 17, 2008, 03:33:38 pm »
Thanks to all of you. It's good to know that I can come here and ask for help and there are great people to do that.

Cheers all


Modding / /Carcolor
« on: August 17, 2008, 09:52:05 am »
Quote from: Oddisy
Black is zero (0)

Thanks, Oddisy. I should have known.

See you at WoS.



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