Everything and Anything / Re: Back...
« on: June 01, 2009, 08:50:39 am »
welcome back, Neo, dude. It's good to see you again
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Ok this is true and scientists have proven theories. Me and TheBeat were discussing this but he then got seriously owned by me and my knowledge.
The Ozone (O3) is made of loads of gases, main one is Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. In the south pole there is a massive hole in the Ozone, about 40million tonnes of Ozone fit in it. The plants and animals beath in the Carbon Dioxide and let it out as Oxygen. The sea absorbs the Carbon Dioxide but now cannot hold anymore. The reason for this is because all the salt is saturated. Saturated as in full. So the north/south poles melt....and because it's ice, it's pure water.
Pure water has no salt in it so it cannot get saturated. It's unsaturated . So therefore the sea rises and cannot hold any carbon dioxide, resulting in a massive sea rise.
Who ever reads this now knows more and is ready. And also got owned by an Englishman. xD (Mainly because I'm retarded)