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Messages - Ron_Dogg

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 43
Ban Appeal. / Re: S2000 Ban Appeal - forgot to read 1st post.
« on: July 06, 2011, 04:07:18 pm »
Greetings S2000:

As you can see from all the posts, we take hacking pretty seriously here. To even have (SA-MP) hacking programs on your computer is condoning the destruction of something that entertains thousands of players, one of which is YOU!!!!

So, take a week to think about this and let your friend know that he caused some trouble for you and that because of whatever decision you made to have someone else have access to your WoS account has blown up in your face and now you face a week ban.

I, or one of our administrative staff, will unban you in one week from today. (July 13, 2011)



Ban Appeal. / Re: AristoCracKeD's Ban Appeal
« on: June 29, 2011, 07:42:11 am »
Greetings AristoCracKeD:

I would suggest that you read through the rules of World of Stunting. Any mods that effect gameplay are prohibited. I'm hoping you will keep this in mind so you won't get into any further trouble.


Enjoy your time on the server.


Everything and Anything / Re: Happy Birthday AMANDA xD
« on: June 11, 2011, 12:00:13 pm »
LoL@ Shabz...

Yes, Amanda, all the best on your 17th. Or is that 20th? 25? Hey, what can i say? I'm an old dogg with bad short-term memory... or was that long term memory?... what were we talking about again? Oh yeah...

Anyway, keep on keepin' on, girl. Have a fun one and remember that cake is your friend!


Ban Appeal. / Re: I got kicked FOR NOTHING ASK MY bro. D:
« on: June 08, 2011, 07:49:20 pm »
Greetings 55alyssa:

Indeed, follow Kubsons instructions and click the link he provided.

Some information i have retrieved:
SlyFox banned you on
2011-06-08 01:54:08 for Hacks

  That is all,



Ban Appeal. / Re: what the hell
« on: June 08, 2011, 02:18:52 pm »
Greetings Rokas_Sabotilnik:

Well, here's what i saw while spectating you for at least 20 minutes since getting suspicions from other players as to your performance level:

While in stuntwars of the baseball stadium roof, your bike with you on it did the bump and slowly arced down, just like everyone else's bike was doing. Bump, fall short, slow arc towards the ground. But not all the time.

After the stunt war was finished you went back to do the stunt again and another two players were there to do the same stunt. All was good until the next stunt war started. The others left (presumably to enter the new stuntwar so your alibi is shot right there) but you stayed. It was at that point that i witnessed you doing the bump, but instead of slowly going down with gravity, you were going up in small increments until finally you were on top.  I had witnessed you doing this earlier in the stuntwar, but you never did it too much as to raise too much suspicion and you often waited and let the others go ahead and respawn before you even bumped. So I kept my eye on you. You seem to be able to rad alright, but even with the freeway stunt you did not seem to have any talent to complete it. But i digress. What i saw was you cheating, plain and simple.

I have absolutely no idea what's behind your motives for doing such a thing and frankly, I don't care. I know this was not lag related and as i said before, i watched you for quite some time and was giving you the benefit of the doubt, even when I saw you lightly boost yourself up while in the last stuntwar. I'm not the kind of person who takes well to being given the old song and dance. I know what I saw.

I will unban you for this infraction but you better believe me when i say that the entire admin staff and I will be keeping a close eye on you.



Introduce Yourself / Re: She's back!
« on: June 05, 2011, 02:38:07 pm »
Hi Tina:

Great to have you back, i missed your driving and your sense of humour. Nice car, btw. Ofc, being German made, it IS the best :)

I look forward to seeing you on the game server again.



Everything and Anything / Re: Unexpected.
« on: June 04, 2011, 07:27:28 am »

I always have fun when you are on the server. You bring that extra smile to everyone's face whenever you come out to play. I'm hoping that your personal life will hold adventure, security and above all fun. These are things in life that, along with friendship and loved ones, are the most important parts that make up a happy life.

Our community here at WoS has experienced an even better high since you came along and you will surely be missed by all of us, myself included. One thing I'm gonna really miss is having to find all the car plates you changed and put on my own .... DoggRulez :)

For what it's worth, you'll always be welcome here and you're part of our community, so don't be a stranger. Drop by once in a while and let us know how life is going for you.

All the best for you...


Ban Appeal. / Re: where is da unban?
« on: June 03, 2011, 05:03:44 am »
Trolling, Flaming, attacking verbally, acting childish.  Robin, you should really take some time off. 

I must say that this is way over the top for what we need from you, Robin.

 How strange you've become. You were at one time actually helping world of stunting and now look at you. Your savagery towards this server is extreme to the point where you should be seeking professional help for your anger and hostility.

I'm not sure what's going on in your personal life but something sure has turned your attitude towards the "dark side", because if this is the attitude you have in life you surely will come up against a hell of a lot of resistance from those around you!

Again, you're probably just another diluted person thinking they can hide behind the anonymity of the internet and thinking that you can do/say anything you want without consequence. Your behaviour wouldn't be tolerated in the real world; what makes you think it will be tolerated here?

Your ban appeal is currently under examination and will be indefinitely.



Humor / Re: Charles Manson is the king !
« on: May 27, 2011, 07:09:30 am »
Dude, the last thing i considered this thread as was an argument. We both produced our own evidence of the case and tried to convince each other of our point of view. I consider that a healthy debate and you have shown me a side that i may not have considered otherwise. If we can walk away from this with the knowledge that we can agree to disagree, but have taken the other persons points as something to consider, then we are both getting something positive from this and it's not a  waste of time.

I've enjoyed our debate and by no means think any less of you because of it; in fact it has been a very thought-provoking exercise and without name-calling and all the other bullshit that most people feel free to engage in when making a post on a forum. This is how things can be accomplished without any bad feelings occurring.

And, lastly, there are never any losers when a debate such as this happens. I don't feel i won, and I feel confident in the evidence that I've presented, as I'm sure you feel that you've done the same.

Again, thanks for being assertive in your position and presenting your material without resorting to what most people do on the internet; squabbling and flaming and missing the point. Yours was mature, articulate and with acceptance of others input.



Everything and Anything / Re: Post a picture of yourself
« on: May 27, 2011, 06:55:35 am »
Rens, buddy.. good to see you are still alive and kickin' (or sweepin', in this case :)

Still haven't got solid plan for visiting Holland yet, me and the gf, but you know you'll be the first to know when we do... might not be til next year, tho.

Hope to hear from you more often so keep in touch when you can...



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