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Messages - - Robin.

Pages: 1 ... 39 40 [41] 42 43 ... 47
Introduce Yourself / Re: New on this forum.
« on: February 25, 2010, 02:06:24 am »
Welcome to the forums. Hope you love the server and the forums, Roy :).

Introduce Yourself / Re: New member
« on: February 25, 2010, 02:03:14 am »
Welcome fullmetal, to the World of Stunting forums. Enjoy your stay!

Videos And Screenshots / Re: Bail fun.
« on: February 24, 2010, 12:35:40 am »
Okay, I don't got really a "top" bail, but I have a bail vid :"(. It was really one of my first stunts, and I almost did it :O

GTA: Fail =(

Note, don't react on the grinded or not and fail right thingys :$. I was new to stunting so lol.. Dunno what it was :O

Videos And Screenshots / Re: Elegy Drift Solo 2010 <--- COMMENT PLEASE ;D
« on: February 23, 2010, 08:52:39 am »
Hello SD_09,

I see that you posted the same video on the "World of" section. Since it isn't needed to post it on both, I locked your video on the Offtopic section. The other video in the "World of" section isn't removed. For the next time, please post only 1 topic.

Thank you,

~ Robin

Everything and Anything / Re: Post a picture of yourself
« on: February 23, 2010, 06:15:32 am »
:O Kubson has a new girlfriend :O ^^

He has new gf every week
I lmao-ed on that xD. But eh, good to see you back again on the server Kub ;)

Videos And Screenshots / Re: GTAFreak's new Sig
« on: February 23, 2010, 06:12:49 am »
Omg Pulp :O
How unfair :O
You made this sig with the guy init... 8(
Didn't with mine =[

You know because i am always nice to you?
Will you make me one with a picture init xD


Nice PulP.. Like always <3. Hi PulP =O <-- copy this tiny message xD

Wrong section I think.. Moved to the right one :).. (I think)

Ban Appeal. / CoolZ' ban appeal.
« on: February 23, 2010, 01:56:08 am »
Ok first of all, this isn't my account, but it's my friend. He doesn't know how to make an appeal, so I made one for him. His In-Game name is CooLZ.

In-GameName: CooLz
Age: Don't know.
Admin That Banned You: Nka and Black Ice
Reason Given By Admin: Ban evading
Are You Sorry: Yes
Will you read and accept /rules?: I already did
Extra Info: (Robin): I don't know what happened, since I see on the ban list no reason, only ban evading. But how can you ban evade without you being banned..

The admins/Reasons:
CooLZ   Nka19   Ban Evade   2010-02-21 13:07:40
CooLZ   Black_Ice   Ban evading   2010-02-19 15:38:36

Theres no other reason I found on the ban list. I searched CooLZ and that were the only 2 things.

CooLZ didn't knew how he was banned. :O

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