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Messages - - Robin.

Pages: 1 ... 22 23 [24] 25 26 ... 47
Good times :)

Demotivational picture edit

So aweseome that he has 2 girlfriends

dude... thats a dude...

ROFL! I thought it was a girl too XD. But then I turned my head, its a dude >_>

General / Re: Stuntwar prankz.
« on: May 14, 2010, 10:59:40 pm »

Everything and Anything / Re: Post a picture of your favourite City
« on: May 14, 2010, 11:36:29 am »

Oh sorry darling.. I talk my own langluage then..

Murat, ik ga nu naar je huis en je verkrachten =D.
Alpha heeft gelijk joh.. Toch 3rko? Volgens mij wel. Hopelijk versta je deze kut niet, want dan pak ik je van achter =D.

3rko wil je een ijsje? Ik kan niet wachten, om je te blablabla-en :D. Of wil je liever een chocolaatje? Nee, dat mag jij niet! Stoute 3rko! STOUT! HEEL STOUT!
Murat, I'm going to your house and rape you = D.
Alpha is right dude .. Yet 3rko? I think so. Hopefully you understand this cunt not, because then I take you back = D.

3rko want ice cream? I can not wait for you to blablabla and D. Or would you prefer a chocolate? No, you can not! 3rko naughty! STOUT! Very naughty!

That made not one bit of sense at all. My mind was all over the place trying to understand.
that's what he wrote on duch language

Yes.. We all know google translator sucks :/. You dont need to give more proof.

Only this sentence was correct:

'Murat, I'm going to your house and rape you =D.'


Videos And Screenshots / Re: wazoust's come back
« on: May 14, 2010, 06:59:08 am »
mqth, do you use anti alias? Coz I don't think you use. 0:30-0:35 looks so sharp and ugly :S. Its like tiny blocks next to each others, you see that lol.

But nice edit <3

Videos And Screenshots / Re: Stunt Challenge
« on: May 14, 2010, 06:56:17 am »
Robin, Just turn with a and it with flip over <.<

See, when you said you need to turn, the hard part already begon.

Srsly, I can't even do that LOL. I only crash to the ground :/

General / Re: Stuntwar prankz.
« on: May 14, 2010, 06:43:18 am »
Make it with name "Stuntsu_Hates_Robin" please ow and I forgot to tell you something:
^^^^^^^^Yay I follow this text above mee!!
Meh =[. Dont hate meeeeeeeeeeeeee.

General / Re: Stuntwar prankz.
« on: May 14, 2010, 06:40:51 am »
Don't hate me 'coz I do it so sloww..

okaaay I'll make new gang for you today

General / Re: Stuntwar prankz.
« on: May 14, 2010, 06:39:40 am »
Okaaaaaaay. Chill down. I know you need attention. So wait :D.

General / Re: Stuntwar prankz.
« on: May 14, 2010, 06:35:35 am »
If you try doing something of me I'll beat your ass PUNK  =D >=(
I gonna do something with you.. Only need to think 'bout name XD

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